Thursday, October 31, 2019

Policy Problem in Public Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Policy Problem in Public Policy - Essay Example The true character of a policy problem may be revealed in policy evaluation – therefore the two are complementary to each other’s existence. In this context, we will further discuss the nature of a policy problem with an example. As far as the income policy in the US goes, there has been an increasing trend towards inequality in recent decades. In this regard, there have been large changes in U.S. tax rules over time. These changes have gone ahead to make a considerable difference to what is reported as income on individual tax returns. With these tax changes encouraging thousands of businesses to switch from filing under the corporate tax system to filing under the individual tax system, various studies of inequality that are founded on tax return data invariably end up excluding transfer payments, which results in exaggerating the shares of income received by those at the top by ignoring growing amounts of income at the bottom. This may be defined as the basic policy problem in the US income policy. With a consistent fall in the top tax rates on wages or capital gains, there has been an increase in the reported incomes, where a larger percentage of the incomes of those at the top tend to feature in the tax returns.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Market structure of Oligopoly Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Market structure of Oligopoly - Assignment Example Ford’s supply chain also involves a complex pattern including the manufacturing, accessorizing and assembly lines apart from the distribution channel (Ford Motor Company, 2013). The application of game theory for pricing strategy in the automotive industry is quite significant. In this regard, the Nash equilibrium has a vital role in depicting the pricing strategy of the automotive industry. In Nash equilibrium concept, there are two players mainly column and row, where each player is aware of the equilibrium strategies of the other player. In such equilibrium situation, both the players must change their strategies simultaneously assuming that the change of the strategy by one player will not deliver positive results to the other. This is applied in the automotive industry where pricing can only be developed or changed effectively when all the players agree on the same proposal (Myerson, 2013). The hypothetical profit matrix below will provide a clearer idea to the concept. As illustrated in the above hypothetical profit matrix, when player 1 tends to adopt strategy A and fix the per product price to 5 units, player 2 also compromises its profit margin by pricing 5 units per product and vice-versa. Again, when player 1 decides to fix its price per unit to 4, player 2 decides to lower its price to 1 and vice-versa, which imposes a strong impact on the profit margin of both the companies. This depicts that in Nash equilibrium situation, the strategies adopted by one player are known to the other player who accordingly makes changes in pricing strategy; thus, leading to a change in the profit margin (Myerson, 2013). Since there are several firms in the market to sell similar sort of products, low price strategy or high price strategy cannot be implemented for competition in the long run. Therefore, at most of the instances, Ford, being a major player in the oligopolistic market structure, emphasizes

Sunday, October 27, 2019

UK Alcohol Prevention Programs in Schools: Critique

UK Alcohol Prevention Programs in Schools: Critique A critique of a particular method of prevention or intervention with reference to alcohol Drug and alcohol abuse is a major concern for governments in most Western countries. Each year significant amounts of funds are designated to try and tackle the problems that alcohol abuse causes. In Britain we are constantly reminded of our so called binge drinking culture and the damaging effect this is having on our society. Between 1993 and 2005, mortality rates from alcohol related diseases increased by 99% among males and 67% amongst females. Figures from the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit show that the financial cost to the country of alcohol misuse is somewhere in the region of  £20 billion a year (2004). None of this has been aided by longer opening times, alcohol being more readily available from a variety of sources and for much cheaper than it has ever been before. The UK government is aiming to devolve responsibility for dealing with alcohol related problems to a local level. In a recent white paper entitled Our Health, Our Care, Our Say (2006), there is a clear expectation that local agencies have to work in partnership to tackle the problems caused by alcohol misuse. This means that there is more pressure on local stakeholders such as schools to take on the responsibility of introducing programs to prevent alcohol abuse. This essay will attempt to provide a critique of schools-based intervention programs. It is widely accepted that schools-based intervention programs can lead to a better understanding of substances such as alcohol and can therefore result in better attitudes when it comes to the use of those particular substances. Studies have also shown that well designed programs can lead to reduced usage of alcohol in the long term as well. This essay will provide a rather broad look at schools-based programs and provide a more general critique rather than focussing in one on particular program. It is hoped that by doing this, it will be possible to utilize more of the academic research that exists and provide a more complete picture of the successes and the problems that these particular programs encounter. Because there is such a wealth of academic research in this area, this essay will be broken into 3 separate parts. The first will provide a meta-analyses where different types of programs are compared against each other. The second part of this essay will look very briefly at which mediators or characteristics of the programs are leading to a reduction in alcohol use. The final part of the analysis will look at studies that compare different programs and determine which are the most successful programs. It is important to note that this study will not be location specific because of the wealth of research there is into other countries. The essay will end with a conclusion that will use all the research gathered to form a critique of schools-based intervention programs. Perhaps the most useful meta-analyses comes from Tobler et al (2000) who looked at 144 separate studies involving 207 schools-based programs. They found that the most effective way of reducing substance use was by employing interactive methods which encouraged the participants to exchange ideas and learn refusal skills. Cuijpers (2002) states that, â€Å"receiving feedback and constructive criticism in a no threatening atmosphere enables students to practice newly acquired refusal skills† (p. 1012). The least successful programs according to Tobler et al (2000) were those that used non-interactive methods such as those that looked at the knowledge of the harm alcohol can do. The interactive programs used methods based on social influence. Donaldson et al (2002) state that this is, â€Å"enhancing an adolescents ability to resist passive social pressure†. (p. 291). These particular programs were found to be more effective and superior to programs utilizing non-interactiv e methods. However, Tobler et al (2000) are not able to identify what specific components of the interactive programs are most successful at limiting substance use. Another useful meta-analyses was conducted by White and Pitts (1998). Although they looked at far fewer studies than Tobler et al (2000), they still came up with some interesting findings. They found that the effectiveness of such programs could be improved if there were additional components that weren’t necessarily school related such as a mass media campaign or booster sessions. They go on to argue that another factor that can affect schools-based intervention programs is the intensity of the program. They found that the most effective programs had 10 or more sessions. A final meta-analyses comes from Rooney and Murray (1996). They came to many of the same conclusions as White and Pitts (1998) such as the intensity of the program. They also found that combining lots of different components could have a significant impact on the success of program. For example, the use of booster sessions and using trained teachers side by side with same-age peer leaders. Programs that did this were more likely to have success in limiting alcohol use amongst those young people participating. It would now be useful to look at the particular characteristics, or mediators, of these programs. As Cuijpers (2002) states it is important to know, â€Å"whether drug use is reduced by the intervention, whether the mediating variables are influenced by the intervention, and whether the mediating variables do have a mediating role in the reduction of substance use† (p. 1016). It is possible to identify several key mediators across many of the studies conducted in schools-based intervention programs. Wyn et al (2000) argue that key mediators are based around social influence factors such as those aimed at the acceptability of the use of alcohol, knowledge about how prevalent the misuse of alcohol is and how peers would perceive the use of alcohol. This essay will now focus on three mediators and look at how effective they are in schools-based intervention programs. These mediators will be booster sessions, peer versus adult led programs and the use of community involvement in addition to schools-based intervention programs. Booster sessions are those sessions taken on after the initial program has ended. There seems to be little conclusion in the research if booster sessions are an effective addition to intervention programs. Botvin et al (1983) and Dijkstra et al (1999) argue that they are where as Shope et al (1992) state that they have no effect at all. However, it should be noted that those in agreement state that these booster sessions are only effective if they are peer led rather than teacher led. One has to take into account other mediating factors when considering booster sessions as an effective method of intervention. Cuipers (2002) argues that peer led sessions are more likely to be effective versus adult or teacher led sessions. In her study of the existing research she finds that peer led programs are more effective in the short-term but that after a year the difference in effectiveness between peer and adult led programs is negligible. She goes on to argue that the, â€Å"research suggests that the effectiveness of a prevention  program is determined by several characteristics of the programs. The leader may constitute  one of those characteristics† (p. 1018). Community involvement is a very interesting area of study and one that has been widely covered. In the past few years there has been a realisation that for any form of social change there has to be involvement from more than one source. There is also a realisation that individual communities know how to best deal with their own problems. This is why the UK government has devolved so much to a local level, from the creation of Primary Care Trusts to dealing with the problems that alcohol abuse causes, there is an understanding that communities know best how to tackle their problems. The methods used can vary considerable from community to community but they may include media campaigns, community task forces and parental intervention (Holder, 2004). It might be helpful to look at one such example of a community led intervention program in the UK. The Broad Street Business Improvement District (BID) in Birmingham is one such example of a community led intervention program. This program was initiated in 2005 as a response to anti-social problems caused by the large number of bars and clubs on Broad Street and also the disproportionately high number of alcohol related deaths in the region (Rao and Kemm, 2006). This partnership is made up of many local agencies such as property owners/developers, business representatives, the city council, the police, the leisure forum, and the city centre neighbourhood forum. The BID have undertaken several projects which according to their annual report included, â€Å"(a) street wardens (b) additional street cleansing (c) floral dressing (d) marketing programme (e) communication and public relations (f) safer business area (g) lighting and gateway features (h) a business led partnership†. The results from this community led intervention have been largely positive. Crime has dropped in t he Broad Street area by almost 60% between June 2005 and May 2006. A survey conducted in 2006 found that 78% of respondents felt that safety was good and 27% felt that it was safer than 2005. Although the Broad Street BID doesn’t completely relate to schools-based programs, it would be fair to assume that schools in the area will be benefiting from this improvement. Any sort of community involvement creates a greater sense of responsibility and even though this particular scheme is not directly targeting young people, it is surely having an impact on schools-based intervention programs. This essay has provided a broad look at schools-based intervention programs as a method of prevention of alcohol abuse. There is no doubt that this is an important role that schools play. However, some programs can be ineffective and have little or no impact. This essay has highlighted some of the characteristics of programs that are most likely to succeed. They should use interactive delivery methods, they should be based on the social influence model, they should be supported by the wider community and they should use peer leaders in conjunction with trained teachers. It is clear that in the UK we need to be doing more in our schools. The school is an important battleground when it comes to preventing alcohol and drug based abuse in the future. However, government figures would suggest that not enough is being done or if it is being done, it is being done in the wrong way. What this essay has hopefully demonstrated as well is that we shouldn’t just leave it to the schools to run these programs. Families and the wider community should also share some of the responsibility. All agencies involved need to be working in a co-ordinated fashion to try and support the work that the schools are doing. Although this critique has been rather broad in scope and not specifically related to the UK, it was felt that in order to give a more complete picture of the problems and opportunities encountered by schools-based programs it was best to utilize as much of the research as possible. As has been hopefully demonstrated, the schools-based approach does present with numerous problems, especially if done in the wrong way. However, with the right mix of components, these programs can have a lasting impact on children and young people and their attitudes to alcohol use. Perhaps it should be left to individual communities to decide what mix works best for them. The governments role should be supporting that through funding, training and providing additional components such as a media campaign. Bibliography and References: Botvin, G. J., Renick, N. L., Baker, E. (1983). The effects of scheduling format and booster sessions on a broad spectrum psychosocial approach to smoking prevention. Journal of Behavioural Medicine, 6, pp. 359–379. Broad Street BID, A brighter, safer, cleaner, the story so far, Annual Report, 05-06 Cuijpers, P. (2002). Effective ingredients of school-based drug prevention programs: A systematic review, Addictive Behaviours, 27, pp. 1009-1023. Dijkstra, M., Mesters, I., De Vries, H., van Breukelen, G., Parcel, G. S. (1999). Effectiveness of a social  influence approach and boosters to smoking prevention. Health Education Research, 14, pp. 791–802. Holder, H.D. (2004). Community action from an international perspective. In R. Muller and H. Klingemann (Eds.) From Science to Action? 100 Years Later, Alcohol Policies Revisited, pp. 101-112. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic. Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit. (2004). Alcohol harm reduction strategy for England.  London: Prime Ministers Strategy Unit Rao, J. Kemm, J. (2006). Alcohol in the West Midlands, a review of alcohol and alcohol services in the West Midlands. West Midlands Public Health Group. Rooney, B. L., Murray, D. M. (1996). A meta-analysis of smoking prevention programs after adjustment for errors in the unit of analysis. Health Education Quarterly, 23, pp. 48–64. Shope, J. T., Dielman, T. E., Butchart, A. T., Campanelli, P. C., Kloska, D. D. (1992). An elementary schoolbased  alcohol misuse prevention program: a follow-up evaluation. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 53,  106–121. Tobler, N. S., Roona, M. R., Ochshorn, P., Marshall, D. G., Streke, A. V., Stackpole, K. M. (2000). Schoolbased adolescent drug prevention programs: 1998 meta-analysis. Journal of Primary Prevention, 20, pp. 275–336. White, D., Pitts, M. (1998). Educating young people about drugs: a systematic review. Addiction, 93, pp. 1475–1487. Wynn, S., Schulenberg, J., Maggs, J. L., Zucker, R. A. (2000). Preventing alcohol misuse: the impact of refusal skills and norms. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 14, pp. 36–47.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Integrating Texts and Graphics into Your Writing :: Writing Education Essays

Integrating Texts and Graphics into Your Writing My advice for students about integrating texts and graphics would be to figure out how to combine them most appropriately for what you want to convey, whether it be an informational article or a creative story. In most cases, especially in technical writing, the main purpose of graphics is to explain something faster or organize the information better. Last spring in technical writing, we focused a lot on how to use our graphics in our final proposal to add to the written information, not take away from it. We used charts for comparison of statistics and diagrams to show how something is assembled. Something else to keep in mind is that graphics do not just mean photos. Graphics are everything from a plain border around a page to a colorful subheading or even a callout box to draw special attention to a quote. These things can make a document more aesthetically appealing and keep the reader’s attention. When a reader sees a full page of text and nothing else, it can be quite o verwhelming if there is nothing to break up the information. Subheadings are a great way to divide sections of text for easy reading. I don’t think a picture should be put into a document for no reason as that would take away from what the writer wants to say. If the picture is not related to anything but is just there to be cute, then don’t use it at all. For instance, I would not put a flowery border around this document right now because that would be completely irrelevant, although quite lovely I’m sure. Having said that, understand that technical writing is different from creative writing. If you are writing a poem or story and pictures could really add something significant to it, then it is wonderful to use appropriate graphics to do that. As McCloud states in â€Å"Show and Tell,† â€Å"the different ways in which words and pictures can combine is virtually unlimited.† It is good to be creative, but also remember the purpose of your graphics and the flow and readability of your pages. If it is too crowded or busy, the reader may give up trying to figure out what you want to focus on. McCloud lays out at least a dozen ways that pictures can accompany words to more completely present an idea or story.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

All That Is Sarcasm

When dunces appear at every turn, or even when a friend is being unintelligent, one can be easily agitated with such annoyances. Although violence may seem like a good idea at the time, sarcasm is a better approach and it's easier on the knuckles. Sarcasm is less simple, however, so here are some quick tips to make those witty retorts we all love so much. When it comes to sarcasm, all remarks should be lighthearted–after all no one likes a jerk. Pick a phrase that isn't too degrading, but one that gets the point across so the person knows they're not being intelligent. For example, if a friend says, â€Å"Wow, the sky is really blue today,† an appropriate response could be, but is not limited to, â€Å"No way! I thought it was purple. † Also, the use of sarcasm in somber environments is strictly off limits. In a funeral setting, for instance, sarcasm is forbidden no matter what the remark is. Remember that sarcasm is more about being funny and less about twisting a knife. To add to the lighthearted nature, the proper tone must be taken for sarcasm to gain its intended effect. Using emphasis on different words will make sarcasm easily detectable. To exemplify, in the response ‘no way! I thought is was purple,' overemphasize ‘no way'. In doing so, the tone makes it blatantly obvious that sarcasm is present. However, do not emphasize too many words, or the phrase will sound choppy and will not flow with the conversation. Remember also not to put too much mirth in the tone or it may be hard to keep a straight face. After dropping a sarcastic remark, it's best to let the person realize rather than giving it away with hysterical laughter, so they don't feel completely incoherent. Although lightheartedness and tone make sarcasm effective, timing is also a crucial part. Being able to think on your feet is a must especially if the topic changes rapidly. In essence, when a person says something deserving of a sarcastic remark, quickly say the remark before the conversation changes subject. In the ‘purple sky' example, if the friend has already gone on to talk about their favorite football team, then the remark would become obsolete. Even though it may seem like using sarcastic remarks at the right time is an easy task, it does take some effort. Make sure that the thought is completed at the right time, and if it is not, don't feel compelled to say it. Now go, exchange tactful words with friends and let the witty banter ensue. There is no situation awkward enough, no force powerful enough, and no river wide enough to stop the complexities of sarcasm. With timing, tact, and tone, an apprentice will soon become a master of all that is sarcasm.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Study Guide Huckleberry Finn

1. How does Huck solve the problem of forgetting his name? Bets Buck that he can't spell his name, and does, so then he knows his name – George Jackson 2. What does Huck think of the Grangerfords? Of their home? He thinks their home is really nice and he really likes the family 3. Huck often makes interesting observations. His comment on Emmeline Grangerford is, â€Å"I reckoned that with her disposition she was having a better time in the graveyard. † What does this shows about Huck? She focused so much on death and people dying that he figured she was in the place she always wanted to be, she was happier there. 4. Why had Emmeline died?Sickness Chapter 18 1. What is the cause of the feud between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons? It's been going on for 30 years, no one remembers what started it, beyond a legal dispute over land 2. Which side started the shooting? Jason Zhang's side 3. Why is Twain so vague about it? No one can remember how or why the feud started, but in the last year, two people have been killed, including a fourteen-year-old Grangerford. The two families attend church together and hold their rifles between their knees as the minister preaches about brotherly love. 4. Buck tells Huck, â€Å"There ain’t a coward amongst them Shepherdsons – not a one.And there ain’t no cowards amongst the Grangerfords either. † What are the drawbacks to this sort of courage? 5. Why is the topic of the Sunday sermon â€Å"satiric†? the sermon was about brotherly love, and the 2 families are killing each other in a feud 6. What has happened to Jim since the last time Huck has seen him? Jim followed Huck to the shore the night they were wrecked, but did not call out to him, for fear of being caught. Some slaves found the raft Jim was on, but he reclaimed it by threatening the slaves and saying it belonged to his white master. 7. What does Miss Sophie do? runs off with Harney Shepardson . What happens to the var ious Grangerfords? Sophia Grangerford runs off with one of the Shepardsons and a gunfight ensues that kills some of the Grangerfords. 9. What does Huck do? Chapter 19 1. Read aloud Huck’s description of river life that begins, â€Å"Two or three days and nights went by; I reckon I might say they swum by, they slid along so quiet and smooth and lovely. † What causes Huck’s new appreciation of life on the raft? the peacefulness of the river, the scenery, the beauty, the ease of living 2. The peaceful interlude on the raft is disturbed by the arrival of the duke and the dauphin (the king).Describe these two â€Å"rapscallions. † liars, con-men, running away from people 3. When the duke and the dauphin first got on the raft, why did they talk to each other and ignore Huck and Jim? They are trying to out do each other in rank to decide who is in charge and who will sleep under the tent. 4. Huck says, â€Å"It didn’t take me long to make up my mind that these liars warn’t no kings nor dukes at all, but just low-down humbugs and frauds. † Why does he pretend to believe them? Huck quickly realizes that the two men they let onto the raft are liars, but to prevent â€Å"quarrels,† he does not let on that he knows.Chapter 20 1. How does Huck explain Jim to the duke and the king? He tells them that his family was hit by a steamboat while they were riding down the Mississippi, and that only he and Jim survived. 2. How do the king and duke treat Huck and Jim? Duke and King has treated Huck and Jim as their own personal servants. Rate This Answer 3. What does the king do at the camp-meeting? cons people for $87 pretending to be a reformed pirate 4. How does the duke arrange for them to travel in the daytime? This chapter paints a fuller picture of the two hitchhikers that Huck and Jim have taken aboard.You will remember that the Gragerfords were first characterized through their possessions. How are these two men drawn? prints a reward poster for Jim & they tie him up so it looks like they are returning him Chapter 21 1. What are the king and the duke getting ready for? performing a play – Romeo and Juliet 2. what kind of a town is Bricksville? Not a good place always looking for lynching someone. 3. Why had Boggs come to town? to kill Colonel Sherburn. 4. What did the â€Å"loafers† think of Boggs’ threats? do not take his threat very seriously, 5. Describe the murder of Boggs.Col. Sherburn shoots him down while he is drunk 6. How did the townspeople react to the murder? They are going to lynch Col. Sherburn Chapter 22 1. Why did the â€Å"Lynching Bee† fail? Because Sherburn tells them they are not men, just a mob and cowards. 2. What does Sherburn think of the men in the mob? Sherburn says the men in the mob are â€Å"beneath pitiful-ness†. Sherburn thinks the men are cowards. 3. Is he right? 4. Sherburn’s speech is the only place in the novel where the point of view shifts for nay length of time. Why, at this point, does Twain let Sherburn take over?We need Sherburn to speak because he is a MAN, Huck wouldn't be able to have the same effect on the reader. 5. Why does Huck enjoy the circus so much? pleasant relief from the king and the duke and the problems helping Jim escape. 6. How successful is the Shakespearean Revival? The Shakespearean Revival that is put on by the duke and the dauphin in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is not very successful. The characters don't really care if it's successful though as they are using it for a cover to scam people. 7. How does the duke plan to get an audience for the low-comedy presentation? 8.Compare the incident at the circus with the shooting of Boggs. In what ways are the situations similar? How does Huck’s response differ from the crowd’s in both instances? They are both drunk, they are both in danger. With Boggs, he is curious, with the circus he's afraid for the man Chapter 23 1. Why doesn’t the audience â€Å"take care of† the king and the duke after the first performance? 2. What happens on the third night? 3. Discuss Huck and Jim’s comments on royalty in this chapter. Is it believable for Huck to know so much history? Explain. 4. Why is Huck amazed at Jim’s mourning his home and family? 5.What does the story of ‘Lizabeth show about Jim? Chapter 24 1. Why is Jim dressed up like a sick Arab? 2. Huck’s last statement in this chapter is, â€Å"It was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race. † What is Huck talking about? 3. How does Twain make it believable for the two rogues to impersonate the Wilks brothers? Chapter 25 1. Huck describes the tearful scene at the Wilkses as the most disgusting thing he has ever seen. Does he mean only the king’s performance? 2. Why does the king give the money to Mary Jane? 3. Have the â€Å"rapscallions† hood-winked everybody? Chapter 26 1. Wh at decision does Huck make? . What are the plans of the king and the duke? Chapter 27 1. Where did Huck hide the gold? 2. Describe the undertaker. 3. Where is the humor in Huck’s observation, â€Å"There warn’t no more popular man in town than what the undertaker was†? 4. How are the king’s plans progressing? Chapter 28 1. What is special about Mary Jane? 2. Why is she the only person to whom Huck tells the truth? Chapter 29 1. Why do the men decide to dig up the corpse? 2. Huck concludes the chapter by saying, â€Å"So I wilted right down onto the planks then, and give up; and it was all I could do to keep from crying. † What’s bothering Huck?Chapter 30 1. Why are the king and the duke fighting? 2. Why do they get back together? Chapter 31 1. What do the king and duke do to Jim? 2. Why does Huck write Miss Watson? 3. Why does he tear up the letter? 4. Huck has rebelled against civilization before. At Miss Watson’s he smoked, played h ookey, and left his room nights to sleep in the woods. What is different about this decision? 5. Tearing up the letter to Miss Watson has been described as one of the great moments in American history. A southern boy breaks free of the social convention that surrounds him and risks his soul to free a Negro slave.Why is Huck just the boy to tear up that letter? 6. Discuss the implications of Huck’s conclusion, â€Å"All right, then. I’ll go to hell. † 7. Huck again encounters the duke. What happens? Chapter 32 1. What is Huck’s new name? 2. Why is that convenient for Huck? Chapter 33 1. Why is Huck surprised at Tom’s willingness to rescue Jim? 2. Why is Tom willing to do it? 3. What new identity does Tom assume? 4. How does Huck feel when he sees the king and duke tarred and feathered? 5. Do they deserve his pity? 6. Why is Huck so annoyed with his conscience? 7.Does the fact that both Tom and Huck are on the plantation add to or detract from the pl ot? Chapter 34 1. How did Tom figure out where Jim was? 2. Compare Huck’s plan for freeing Jim with Tom’s 3. What does Huck think of Tom’s fancy touches? 4. What are the dangers of Tom’s approach? 5. Some critics think that Jim’s rescue is an inappropriate ending to the novel. They wonder how Huck, with his new maturity, can consent to Tom’s foolish scheme. Do you agree with these critics? Why or why not? Chapter 35 1. What is the whole chapter, â€Å"Dark, Deep-Laid Plans† about? Chapter 36 1.Huck says, â€Å"When I start to steal a nigger, or a watermelon, or a Sunday-school book, I ain’t no ways particular how it’s done so it’s done. † How would Tom feel about this statement? 2. Why does Jim agree to go along with everything? 3. What’s Nat’s problem? Chapter 37 1. What is the topic of conversation at the breakfast table? 2. How does Tom manage to get the things he needs for the escape? 3. D escribe the baking of the witch pie. Chapter 38 1. What is the irony involved in the fetching of the grindstone? 2. Why does Tom try to talk Jim into keeping a pet rattlesnake? Rats? . What purpose does this chapter serve? 4. Describe Jim’s ordeal. Chapter 39 1. Why does Tom write anonymous letters? 2. What does he say in them? Chapter 40 1. What does Huck find when he goes into the setting-room? 2. When the butter melts down Huck’s face, what does Aunt Sally think it is? 3. What one thing really goes wrong in the escape? 4. When Huck says, â€Å"I knowed he was white inside, and I reckoned he’s say what he did say,† what is he talking about? Chapter 41 1. Why doesn’t Huck go with the doctor? 2. How does he explain his absence to Uncle Silas? 3. What is Old Mrs.Hotchkiss’ theory? 4. Why doesn’t Huck go check on Tom that night? Chapter 42 1. Why don’t they hang Jim? 2. What does the doctor think of Jim? 3. What does Tom tell Aun t Sally? 4. Why had Tom worked so hard to set Jim free when he was already free? 5. Who arrives on the scene to really straighten things out? Last Chapter 1. What were Tom’s plans concerning Jim after he was free? 2. What does Huck find out about his father? 3. Does it seem right that Huck has been an orphan all along? 4. Where is Huck bound for at the end of the novel? 5. Why does Huck reject civilization?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on In The Park

In the Park Isn’t it funny how life turns out? I had dreams once. Fantasies of youth I suppose. You know success, love, career, happiness, etcetera, etcetera. I was so sure of how things were going to turn out. I was going to finish school, get a degree, and marry a wonderful man who would give me two beautiful children. And I would be happy, so very happy. I had such faith in my dreams; they were as real to me as the sun rising in the morning and the turning of the tides. But now all the idealistic fantasies of my youth are gone and reality has reared its ugly head. I am twenty- eight years old, a single mother with three children. I work two jobs to maintain my little family, and yet I am still struggling to make ends meet. At high school I had been a good student. Never straight A’s mind you, but I was doing well. I was going to be a lawyer, really make something of myself. I was going to travel before university, and settle down with my wonderful boyfriend. Then one moments stupidity and my entire world unalterably changed. I fell pregnant. I felt so ashamed, I didn’t tell a soul. I dropped out of school halfway through my senior year and broke it off with my boyfriend. And there went my dreams. After that things went from bad to worse. I went from one dead end job to another and had a string of broken and meaningless relationships that resulted in my child gaining two younger siblings. So here I am sitting in the park. Two children are tugging on my out of date clothing, crying for things I do not have the means to provide, while the other sits playing in the dirt, wishing he had the toys other kids take for granted. And all I can wonder is what happened to my life. How did I lose control? Maybe the ability to control what we become as people is out of our hands, that outside influences shape the person we become. And as I sit here pondering destiny and other absurdities, I watch happy people stroll by, i... Free Essays on In The Park Free Essays on In The Park In the Park Isn’t it funny how life turns out? I had dreams once. Fantasies of youth I suppose. You know success, love, career, happiness, etcetera, etcetera. I was so sure of how things were going to turn out. I was going to finish school, get a degree, and marry a wonderful man who would give me two beautiful children. And I would be happy, so very happy. I had such faith in my dreams; they were as real to me as the sun rising in the morning and the turning of the tides. But now all the idealistic fantasies of my youth are gone and reality has reared its ugly head. I am twenty- eight years old, a single mother with three children. I work two jobs to maintain my little family, and yet I am still struggling to make ends meet. At high school I had been a good student. Never straight A’s mind you, but I was doing well. I was going to be a lawyer, really make something of myself. I was going to travel before university, and settle down with my wonderful boyfriend. Then one moments stupidity and my entire world unalterably changed. I fell pregnant. I felt so ashamed, I didn’t tell a soul. I dropped out of school halfway through my senior year and broke it off with my boyfriend. And there went my dreams. After that things went from bad to worse. I went from one dead end job to another and had a string of broken and meaningless relationships that resulted in my child gaining two younger siblings. So here I am sitting in the park. Two children are tugging on my out of date clothing, crying for things I do not have the means to provide, while the other sits playing in the dirt, wishing he had the toys other kids take for granted. And all I can wonder is what happened to my life. How did I lose control? Maybe the ability to control what we become as people is out of our hands, that outside influences shape the person we become. And as I sit here pondering destiny and other absurdities, I watch happy people stroll by, i...

Monday, October 21, 2019

y2k essays

y2k essays The year 2000 represents more than just an end to the 1900s. For computers worldwide, it can mean major problem. When software for many of the business computers in use today was in development, many programmers tried to save space by programming computers only to deal with years in the 20th century. Today, though, many computer users discover problems anytime they are dealing with a date that falls after the next turn-of-the-century. When calculations involving the year 2000 or after come up on the computer screen, many computers only read 00 and not know the correct date. They malfunction or fail. "The looming prospect of disabled computer systems and paralyzed enterprises around the world makes the year 2000 one of the most critical and universal challenges to ever face the IT industry," the magazine Managing Office Technology reported in December 1997 ( Marcoccio and Matthew, online). Talking of GartnerGroup research, it added, "While the date change crisis has achieved maxi mum awareness, 30 percent of all companies worldwide have not yet started on any Year 2000 compliancy efforts, and 40 percent have not progressed to a point where they will be certain not to encounter significant mission-critical failures by 2000." Having the most problems are health, care, education, government agencies and small and medium-sized companies (Marcoccio, online, 1999)Large companies seem to be the farthest along, perhaps because they have the greatest resources from which to pull money and help. The leading large company industry is insurance, with financial services trailing just slightly, and banking behind that. Yet many businesses have been hard at work trying to update their source code, sometimes by reprogramming and sometimes by replacing rather than reprogramming software. Sometimes they must replace with a vendor package, retire the application, or even get rid of the entire business prospect. Managing Offi ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Airline Marketing Plan

Executive Summary 1. 0 Executive Summary Puddle Jumpers Airlines, Inc. is a new consumer airline in its formative stages. It is being organized to take advantage of a specific gap in the short-haul domestic travel market. The gap exists in low cost service out of Anytown, U. S. A. The gap in the availability of low cost service in and out of the Anytown hub coupled with the demand for passenger travel on selected routes from Anytown indicates that a new entrant airline could be expected to capture a significant portion of current air travel business at that hub. The management of Puddle Jumpers is experienced in airline start-ups. Previously management grew Private Jet Airlines from a single Boeing 727 to a fleet of 16 MD80 series aircraft. Revenues grew to $130 million in a two year period from 1992 through 1993. Our research and projections indicate that air travel to and from Anytown is sufficient to provide a new carrier with revenues of $110 million dollars in its first full year of operations, utilizing six aircraft and selected short-haul routes. These sales figures are based upon load factors of only 55% in year one. Second year revenues are expected to exceed $216 million dollars with additional aircraft and expanded routes. Load factors for year two are 62%. The Puddle Jumpers plan has the potential for a more rapid ramp-up than was the case with Private Jet due to the nature of the routes and the demand for travel currently in the targeted markets served. In short, the frequency of flights needed to serve Puddle Jumperss target market exceeds the demand that dictated Private Jets growth. These sales levels will produce net profit of just over $1 million in the first operational year and $21. 4 million dollars in flight year two. Profits in year one will be 1% of sales and will improve to 10% of sales with the economies gained in year two. The over-all operational long term profit target will be 16% of sales as net profit in years three, four, and five. The companys long term plan is part of the due diligence package. The first operational year is actually fiscal year two in this plan. The first year of formative operations will burn cash until revenue can commence. This is due to the organizational and regulatory obligations of a new air carrier. Investment activity is needed to handle the expenses of this phase of the business. The following chart illustrates the over-all highlights of our business plan over the first three years. Gross Margin here is approximately 87% of sales since the only costs included in this calculation are travel agent commissions, credit card discounts, and federal excise taxes. Travel agent commissions are calculated on 30% of sales even though management feels the actual number will not exceed 10% of sales. NOTE: For display purposes in this sample plan, numerical values in tables and charts are shown in thousands (000s). Highlights 1. 1 Objectives The Company has the following objectives: 1. To obtain required D. O. T. and F. A. A. certifications on or before March 1, 1997. 2. To commence revenue service on or before July 1, 1997. 3. To raise sufficient seed and bridge capital in a timely fashion to financially enable these objectives. 4. To commence operations with two McDonnell-Douglas MD-80 series aircraft in month one, four by end of month four, and six by end of month six. 5. To add one aircraft per month during year two for a total of 18 at year two end. 1. 2 Mission Puddle Jumpers International Airlines, Inc. has a mission to provide safe, efficient, low-cost consumer air travel service. Our service will emphasize safety as its highest priority. We will operate the newest and best maintained aircraft available. We will never skimp on maintenance in any fashion whatsoever. We will strive to operate our flights on time. We will provide friendly and courteous no frill service. 1. 3 Keys to Success The keys to success are: Obtaining the required governmental approvals. Securing financing. Experienced management. (Already in place). Marketing; either dealing with channel problems and barriers to entry; or solving problems with major advertising and promotion budgets. Targeted market share must be achieved even amidst expected competition. Product quality. Always with safety foremost. Services delivered on time, costs controlled, marketing budgets managed. There is a temptation to fix on growth at the expense of profits. Also, rapid growth will be curtailed in order to keep maintenance standards both strict and measurable. Cost control. The over-all cost per ASM (available seat mile) is pegged at 7. 0 cents or less in 1996 dollars. This ASM factor places Puddle Jumpers in a grouping of the lowest four in the airline industry within the short-haul market. (US Air, the dominate carrier in the Anytown market, averages 12. 0 cents per ASM by comparison). The only three airlines with lower operating costs also operate older and less reliable equipment, and even then the lowest short-haul cost in the airline industry is currently Southwest at 6. 43 cents per ASM. Company Summary 2. 0 Company Summary Puddle Jumpers International Airlines is being formed in July, 1996 as a South State Corporation. Its offices will be in Anytown, Georgia. The founder of Puddle Jumpers is Kenneth D. Smith. Mr. Smith has extensive experience in consumer aviation. His bio as well as the backgrounds of all the members of Puddle Jumperss management team are enclosed herein. 2. 1 Company Ownership Puddle Jumpers International Airlines, Inc. will authorize 20,000,000 shares of common stock. 1,000,000 shares are to be set aside as founders stock to be divided among key management personnel. It is also expected that management stock options will be made available to key management personnel after operations commence. It is expected that founders stock plus option stock will not total more than 15% of authorized shares. Initial seed capital is to be attracted via a convertible debenture sold by Private Placement. This round of funding will have premium conversion privileges vs. later rounds and bridge capital.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Considering Pakistan as a Country Attracting the Tourists, Developing Research Paper - 1

Considering Pakistan as a Country Attracting the Tourists, Developing Strategies - Research Paper Example The strategy that we think suits Pakistan the best is to attract tourists on the basis of the adventurous spots. This is because there are many out there in Pakistan and all they need is a bit of development and proper marketing techniques. Now once the potential market has been explored it is important to decide will it be mass marketing or niche marketing. As far as this industry is concerned it will be widespread marketing but niche in the way that only for those who have the wish to indulge in adventurous activities. However, the struggle does not end here and a perfect marketing strategy including the most suitable marketing mix should be formed in order to carry out the plan successfully. This means deciding on the seven Ps of marketing. Once the various spots of adventures have been selected the whole package should be determined as to what all facilities will the tourists receive once they come and visit. After this promotion and education are important to answer when and how and all similar questions that can arise in the minds of prospective visitors. Apart from this in every service that is provided there are individuals involved who are representative of the company and interact directly with the consumers. They play a crucial role and thus it is important to determine a strategy related to them even. The right combination of all the factors can bring about a package that would be attractive to all and will increase the flow of tourists in the country which will, in turn, bring several benefits to the overall economy. Tourism is an industry through which a country can earn fortunes and do wonders for the economy.  

Analysis on a marketing news story which has appeared in 2013 Essay

Analysis on a marketing news story which has appeared in 2013 - Essay Example The review of the article reveals that the company wants to introduce digital marketing as a means of targeting its customer base in the United States. Analysis P & G, like its other competitors, has been following a combination of traditional and innovative marketing strategy for its products. However, keeping in view the market data and research findings of changing trends in consumers’ lifestyle, the management has decided to adjust its strategies accordingly (Serena & Vranica, 2013). After reading the article, it is inferred that the company is planning to spend more on online marketing activities of its products, owing to the fact that a vast number of Americans are expected to prefer spending more time on the internet rather than watching television. This shift in the consumers’ behaviour has in turn influenced P & G’s marketing experts to focus more on digital marketing concept (Serena & Vranica, 2013). The digital marketing concept, which involves the use of internet and mobile as a marketing channel, has been considered by the company as a replacement of its marketing campaigns on television (Ryan & Jones, 2012; Hoffman & Novak, 1996; Egan, 2007). The fact that digital marketing is cheaper and, with consumers spending more time on the internet, is more targeted, the company has aimed at spending one third of its total budget for marketing on the online advertisement and marketing campaigns in the United States (Serena & Vranica, 2013). The decision to switch from television and other traditional marketing channels to internet and mobile can be viewed as an intelligent one, since the marketing mix for the company can be developed in a more prudent manner (Ryan & Jones, 2012). As for instance, by marketing its products online, the company will be able to target its customers and inform them about products in a much more convincing and effective manner. Moreover, it will be possible for the customers to obtain information as per their respective needs, because the review of literature pertaining to digital marketing suggests that internet is an interactive marketing medium and is considered as a many-to-many model, in comparison with traditional one-to-many marketing channels (Silva & Vassiljev, 2011; Ryan & Jones, 2012). According to Hoffman and Novak (1996), internet as a marketing medium is a proficient means of communicating and advertising a product to target customers. Keeping in view the concept of â€Å"flow† which is defined as a process of optimal flow by Csikszentmihalyi (1990), Hoffman and Novak (1996) state that â€Å"when in flow in a particular Web site, a consumer will be more likely to remember the brand name, feel good about the brand, and be more likely to return on a subsequent occasion.† (p.2) These attributes of internet as a marketing medium have been taken into consideration by P & G’s marketing team, and in this regard the Chief Executive of the company has stated th at, â€Å"digital is incredibly effective, and we're doing more† (Serena & Vranica, 2013). The fact that there are some brands of the company, such as Tide and Pantene (Serena & Vranica, 2013), which have lost their respective market shares, and as a consequence the company has decided to introduce innovative strategies that may lead to capturing a significant market share in the United States. In addition to this, it is also pertinent to mention here that the company’s Chief Executive regards this strategic move of the

Poverty Global Issues Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Poverty Global Issues - Research Paper Example In business, poverty is used in the determination of value of goods, and services and that is why most people will invest where poverty is low. People with high levels of poverty struggle a lot to earn their living, and most of them afford one meal a day or none. People do stupid stuffs to try and escape poverty and they end up being criminals. Poverty in different regions began at different times depending in the social and economic factors developments, in the particular area. According to World Bank statistics, it is estimated that poverty started being felt in 1960s when there was an increase in population. In 1964, Mollie Orshansky of social security administration published the first article of the increase in lack of resources especially food. This was due to the inadequacy in income and increase in population. In Africa, there was a massive increase in population during 1970s and this led to depletion of resources. There was the completion of basic commodities, and this led to batter trade so that people may exchange resources they did not have. The effects of poverty are extremely grave, and we need to act with speed to curb it. People who are impoverished have inadequate access to basic commodities such as food, clothing, and shelter. There are many people who die of diseases since they cannot afford medical care. In some areas, there are many innocent children who are not accessing education due to lack of fees. The governments and all people should devise means that will ensure all people afford basic commodities. The levels of poverty in the globe are exceedingly enormous, and require immediate solutions and heavy funding. People should embrace technology so that there is a large-scale production. Agriculture is a key factor that can alleviate poverty, and, therefore, we should put all the viable lands into use. Employment equality should be enforced in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Business strategy - Case Study Example Since this affluent market segment is very important for AFJ’s success, competition with international brands becomes a matter of great concern. In addition to these, Azza Fahmy also faces competition from small jewelry retailers. This is a mostly young, newly emerging small scale production competition. Even though they are not as organized or powerful as established brands or retailers, AFJ has to keep an eye out for them because they are very innovative in their designs and very nimble in their use of various market distribution channels like social networking websites. Azza Fahmy has gone through a massive restructuring process over the last few years in order to expand and remodel itself and consequently move toward the international jewelry market. For this the company has undertaken many steps in two main transitional phases. Azza Fahmy has decided to present her company to the international market as the ‘first Egyptian luxury brand’ and firmly establish the company locally and internationally. The steps taken during AFJ;s transition have been geared towards transforming the company from a small workshop with a small number of operating craftsmen into a full blown business organization. During this process, new departments vital to the functioning of any big business organization were added to AFJ, for example Human Resource Department, Marketing Department, Managing Department and Quality Control Department. Furthermore, Azza Fahmy’s two daughters also joined the business and took up important managerial positions, transfo rming the business into a family business. During the first part of the restructuring transition, Azza Fahmy opened a new factory in 2003. The company now has around 180 employees working under it with Azza Fahmy at the helm as the founder, CEO and head designer. The second phase of the transition was when one of Azza’s daughters

Will North Korea abandon its nuclear weapons programme Evaluate the Essay - 1

Will North Korea abandon its nuclear weapons programme Evaluate the arguments for and against - Essay Example a, Russia, Japan, and South Korea, have all expressed their wish for a denuclearised Korean Peninsula, while the UN Security Council (UNSC) continues to impose sanctions aimed at deterring North Korea from advancing its nuclear programme. However, the North Korean leadership continues to view nuclear weapons as an essential instrument to ensure its survival, as well as to give it a bargaining platform with its neighbours (Cumings, 2003: p10). Therefore, while the idea of denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula and inclusion of North Korea in such a strategy remains an interesting and desirable proposition, it is ultimately unrealistic as long as the current regime remains in power. Most advocates of a denuclearised North Korea, according to Yi (2009: p766), argue for this outcome on the basis that North Korea may be convinced to abandon its programme if Japan, South Korea, and the United States committed never to pursue a nuclear attack on North Korea through a treaty. This nuclear weapon-free zone concept in Northeast Asia generally refers to North Korea, South Korea, and Japan at its core, while Russia, China, and the US would pledge not to use nuclear weapons in this zone. A treaty would bind signatory parties to refrain from possessing, producing, and testing such weapons. Moreover, another possibility underlying this zone is that the other countries may sign the treaty with North Korea joining at a later date, similar to the Latin America nuclear weapons-free zone, which Argentina and Brazil joined ten years after ratification by other countries (Yi, 2009: p766). In such a scenario, therefore, it may be assumed that North Korea would be willing to abandon its nuclear weapons program should the leadership get assurances that nuclear weapons will never be used within the zone, including against them. Cha and Kang (2003: p61) argue that there are several conditions under which North Korea may denuclearise, noting that its leadership may cave to international

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Critically consider the ways in which economists have recognised the Essay

Critically consider the ways in which economists have recognised the psychological, social and corporate influences on consumer choice - Essay Example the use of a popular person like an actor or talk-show host/hostess. Social influences are often attributed to class and culture such as those associated with the consumption of luxury goods. Corporate influences are said to be one of the most influential because they invariably come from the very manufacturers and sellers of those goods. For example businesses adopt a variety of strategies or/and sales tactics including those associated with benchmarking products and creating brand loyalties through value creation (Hallberg & Ogilvy, 1995). Consumers have to make a choice between two or more goods before making an actual purchase. In a free market economy where price mechanism alone allocates scarce resources consumer choice is naturally assumed to be free from any influences because depending on the purchasing ability of the consumer he/she might decide to buy a good at its market price. However the contrary is much truer than this theoretical economic explanation to the consumer’s behavior. In the first instance in a free market economy the producer has an equal amount of freedom to use marketing tactics to attract the attention of the potential customer. Customers are influenced by a variety of sales tactics that producers use in order to increase sales volumes. Psychological, social and corporate influences are the most predominant among them. Economists identify psychological influences such as those related to emotions, impulse or/and ostentation. According to economists emotional involvement in consumer choice though might not be measurable, cannot be ruled out altogether (Luce, Bettman and Payne, 2001). As a result every consumer is assumed to be influenced by positive and negative emotional factors like personal memories associated with a product. Michael Jackson related merchandise and memorabilia for instance have such an emotional impact on many potential buyers because he is associated with the firmament of pop music. When

Will North Korea abandon its nuclear weapons programme Evaluate the Essay - 1

Will North Korea abandon its nuclear weapons programme Evaluate the arguments for and against - Essay Example a, Russia, Japan, and South Korea, have all expressed their wish for a denuclearised Korean Peninsula, while the UN Security Council (UNSC) continues to impose sanctions aimed at deterring North Korea from advancing its nuclear programme. However, the North Korean leadership continues to view nuclear weapons as an essential instrument to ensure its survival, as well as to give it a bargaining platform with its neighbours (Cumings, 2003: p10). Therefore, while the idea of denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula and inclusion of North Korea in such a strategy remains an interesting and desirable proposition, it is ultimately unrealistic as long as the current regime remains in power. Most advocates of a denuclearised North Korea, according to Yi (2009: p766), argue for this outcome on the basis that North Korea may be convinced to abandon its programme if Japan, South Korea, and the United States committed never to pursue a nuclear attack on North Korea through a treaty. This nuclear weapon-free zone concept in Northeast Asia generally refers to North Korea, South Korea, and Japan at its core, while Russia, China, and the US would pledge not to use nuclear weapons in this zone. A treaty would bind signatory parties to refrain from possessing, producing, and testing such weapons. Moreover, another possibility underlying this zone is that the other countries may sign the treaty with North Korea joining at a later date, similar to the Latin America nuclear weapons-free zone, which Argentina and Brazil joined ten years after ratification by other countries (Yi, 2009: p766). In such a scenario, therefore, it may be assumed that North Korea would be willing to abandon its nuclear weapons program should the leadership get assurances that nuclear weapons will never be used within the zone, including against them. Cha and Kang (2003: p61) argue that there are several conditions under which North Korea may denuclearise, noting that its leadership may cave to international

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

History Test Questions Essay Example for Free

History Test Questions Essay Manzanar in CA – loss of $ property – 100th Battalion – â€Å"Purple Heart† Battalion – 442nd Regimental Combat Team – fought in Italy, France, Germany – Most decorated combat unit in US history for proportion of length of service – â€Å"Buddha Heads† – Most Japanese-Americans served as soldiers in Europe while interpreters and such went to the Pacific – obvious racism/discrimination Minority group most adversely affected by Washington DC’s wartime policies was – Japanese-Americans Internment – costs – effects – camps – prejudice – military service – Nisei born in USA, so citizens The general attitude toward WWII was – less idealistic ideological more practical than the outlook in WWI (This is according to the textbook – What would Zinn say in Ch 16? ) In the period of 1885 to 1924, the Japanese immigrants who came to the USA were â₠¬â€œ a select group (representing Japan abroad, so Japan cared who was sent) who was/were better prepared educated than most European immigrants (so they were middle class usually had $) Ex. Japan felt represented – wanted to avoid Chinese bachelors of 19th century – so â€Å"picture brides† When the USA entered WWII in December (7th attack at Pearl, war declared on 8th), 1941, a majority of Americans had no clear idea of what the war was about * WWI had campaigned (but many people didn’t know in WWI either – Ex. Sergeant York Gallipoli) During WWII, the US gov’t commissioned the production of synthetic rubber in order to offset the loss of access to prewar supplies in E. Asia (ex. French Indochina/Vietnam, Cambodia, Loas) Wartime agencies functions: War Production Board – assign priorities w/respect to use of raw materials transportation facilities Office of Price Administration – controlled inflation by rationing essential goods War Labor Board – imposed ceilings (maximums) on wage increases Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) – saw to it that no hiring discrimination practices were used against Af-Am’s seeking employment in war industries * A Philip Randolph – 1941 threatened to march on Wash DC to demand equality in hiring – FDR feared march so made a deal to announce Executive Order #8802 for Af-Am’s fair employment in wartime industries Randoplh was leader of Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters union (mostly Af-Am’s but some whites too – began in 1920s) While most US workers were strongly committed to the war effort, wartime production was disrupted by strikes led by the – United Mine Workers (Why? Exploitation w/unequal distribution of wartime profits. ) * Coal mining is almost as risky as war – in fact they die more than any other industrial workers, both back then and today – only crab ishing is truly more hazardous b y proportion – although they are much safer today During WWII – labor unions substantially increased their membership †¢ There were some strikes – Ex. United Mine Workers – unfair distribution of wartime profits * Bracero Program – p. 833 Mexicans work in agriculture some industries (later deported in the offensive â€Å"Operation Wetback†) [Ironic after 1930’s treatment in CA for example – Okies for Mexicans, etc†¦ Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act – June 1943 – federal gov’t could seize industries if strikes occurred Ex. Coal mines and RRs briefly] p. 832 Employment of more than 6 million women in America (~3 million had never worked for wages before) industry during WWII led to – the establishment of day-care centers by gov’t (*†Rosie† vs. â€Å"Wendy†) [Usually single women or w/husband in the war were the ones working in defense plants/war industries] * Not equal pay for equal work in almost all cases – although some women earned as good or better money if they were outstanding – some were indeed Ex. P. 33 – WOW poster * My recruiting posters WWII aircraft pictures * Not greater % of women working in USA than in Europe – Ex. Britain USSR – in war industries * Increase in employment in war industries for Af-Am’s (both men women) * Migrations from South as Af-Am’s leave while to the South came war industries and military bases Why? Cheap wages very few unions * Not a strong desire for most women to work for wages (especially in defense industries, etc†¦) *** p. 833 – WAACs, WAVES, SPARS, (WASPs) â€Å"GI† – â€Å"Government Issue† * USCG Merchant Marine Main reason majority of women workers left labor force at end of WWII was – family obligation Af-Am’s did all of following during WWII: rally behind slogan of â€Å"Double V† (victory over Axis racism at home), move north west in large migrations (seeking work – often in war industries) (move to cities – â€Å"urban† begins to mean â€Å"black†) (ghettos created – not like Jewish ghettos in Poland, etc†¦) (de facto vs. de jure/Jim Crow segregation discrimination – Ex. Race riots in Detroit in 1943 – later race riots in north in 1960s too), form a militant organization called the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE – 1942 increase in NAACP membership), serve (in US military) in (US) Army Air Corps (Tuskegee Airmen – 332nd/99th w/impeccable record – no bombers lost on their escorts – Benjamin O. Davis sr. Benjamin O. Davis jr. – West Point grads – endured silent treatment from whites – Davis sr. is first Af-Am general in US history – Davis jr. was in command of 99th squadron – see picture on . 835), What about fighting in integrated combat units? Not until Korea (w/exception of a few experiments) Which is least related to the other three? A Philip Randolph (Bro of Sleep Car Porters threat to march on Wash DC in 1941 – led to Executive Order #8802 – in 1963, helped organize march to Wash DC for MLK jr’s â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech. Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC – to protect Af-Am’s to be hired and treated fairly in war industries), racial discrimination in wartime industry (still even w/FEPC there was discrimination – but better than w/out it), proposed â€Å"negro March on Washington,† What about the Smith-Connally (Anti- Strike) Act (1943)? On pp. 834-836 Migration Map on p. 834 * Cotton production in South – hurt Af-Am laborers, tenant, and sharecropping farmers (whites too who did this – many) w/ introduction of mechanization – so migration p. 836 * Native Americans ~25,000 serve – Ex. Comanche in Europe Navajo in Pacific – â€Å"code talkers† p. 836 *** LA, CA summer 1943 – â€Å"Zoot Suit Riots† – Pachucos vs. Servicemen – violence – retaliation – gangs – blame – reactions – tensions – â€Å"Victory Suits† – race riots p. 836-837 ** Race riot in Detroit, MI in 1943 – fatalities pp. 36-837 Big gov’t intervention received its greatest boost from – WWII (not the New Deal) During WWII, most Am’s economically experienced – prosperity a doubling of personal income p. 837 National Gross National Product (all goods and services produced in USA) in 1940 was $100 b illion – GNP grew to $200 billion in 1945 – corporate profits rose from ~$6 billion in 1940 to ~$12 billion by 1944 – Henry Stimson (Sec of War) â€Å"if you are going to try to go to war in a capitalist country, you have to let business make money out of the process, or business won’t work. p. 837 * disposable income after war-time taxes more than doubled (but there was inflation too) * post-war consumerism w/surplus income to purchase in post-war US economy – Ex increase 33% in post war prices b/c of high wages consumer demand * Office of Scientific Research and Development p. 37 – developed weapons, including Atomic (nuclear) bombs *** â€Å"warfare-welfare state† b/t 1941-1945 * rationing – total war effort – bond drives – kids had Al drives for example, etc†¦ Ex of poster: â€Å"When you ride ALONE, you ride with Hitler! † – Black Market Chart for Rise in National Debt – rise b/c of WWII and after war it spiked higher than during war p. 837 On p. 38 Cost of war in $ was for USA $330 billion – 10 times more than WWI – more $ than all federal spending since 1776 – income tax – 4 times as many people than before war – some people taxed as high as 90% of income – taxes provided for 2/5ths of war cost – rest is borrowed from US public – Liberty Loans – Bond Drives others loaned $ too like individuals who were rich tycoons moguls and/or through corporations banks – 1941 National Debt was $49 billion – grew to $259 billion in 1945 – war cost ~$10 million per hour at peak of war – plus blood, sweat, tears – tremendous loss of life – Ex. USSR lost more than any other country Northward migration of Af-Am’s accelerated after WWII b/c – mechanical cotton pickers (machines) were in use p. 836 During WWII, American Indians – moved off of reservations in large numbers (~25,000 served in military) p. 836 By the end of WWII, the heart of USA’s Af-Am communities had shifted to – northern cities pp. 834-835 * p. 836 â€Å"The speed and scale of these changes jolted the migrants and sometimes the communities that received them. * Racism, de facto segregation vs. de jure (Jim Crow) segregation [Migartion Map on p. 834] National debt increased most during – World War II (and post-WWII to present) p. 838 Most $ raised to finance WWII came through – borrowing (individuals, corporations – bonds for middle class working class people) (*Liberty/Victory Loans – bond sales – hugely promoted) p. 38 First naval battle in history in which all of the fighting was done b y (aircraft) carrier-based aircraft was the Battle of – the Coral Sea (May 1942 near NE Australia – Tie to stop Japanese threat/invasion of the â€Å"Land Down Under† – USA lost one carrier – USS Lexington – USS Yorktown carrier badly damaged but back in action at Midway where she was finally sunk by a Japanese submarine after extensive damage from aircraft that left her a burning wreck) * Midway – 2nd such battle b/t carrier fleets so far apart they never see each other – June 3rd-6th, 1942 – the turning point of the Pacific war p. 839] The tide of Japanese conquest in the Pacific was turned following the Battle of – Midway (June 3rd-6th, 1942) * Details – our 3 carriers to their 4 – we sank all four and lost only one – planes – luck – plans – codes – drama – Spruance, Nimitz, etc†¦ plus Aleutian Islands (of Alaska) attacked just before Midway was dive rsion, which was fairly effective – cold, brutal fighting over frozen, barren islands, but were US territory like Hawaii pp. 39-841 Japanese made a crucial mistake in 1942 in their attempt to control much of the Pacific when they – over extended themselves instead of digging in consolidating their gains p. 839 – Japanese victories in Pacific up through first 6 months extended down to Dutch East Indies (for oil), Southeast Asia (for rubber), including Burma and Thailand into parts of China, the Philippines, the Marianas such as Guam, the Gilbets, the Marshalls, the Solomons, the Aleutians, Korea and Manchuria, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, etc†¦- They held it for about 6 months after Pearl Harbor before Allied advances began. In waging war against Japan, the USA relied mainly on a strategy of – (leapfrogging and) island-hopping across the South (and Central) Pacific while by-passing Japanese strongholds (whenever possible – but not always – Ex. Philippines Pelelieu Aleutians) [MacArthur/US Army Halsey in South – USMC Nimitz/Spruance in Central Pacific] All strategies considered implemented in some fashion – heavy bombing from Chinese air bases, invading SE Asia Burma, fortifying China transporting supplies from India over â€Å"the Hump† of the Himalayas, turning Japanese flanks in New Guinea (MacArthur) Alaska (Aleutians) * All were done – but priority was put on USN, US Army, USMC, USAAC (USAF), USCG in two prong drive across south central Pacific with Adm. Nimitz calling the shots Conquest of Guam (Marianas – Tinian Saipan too) in 1944 was especially critical, b/c from there (the Marianas) the USA could conduct round-trip bombing raids (B-29s) on Japanese home islands – But a nasty volcanic sulfur-smelling small island with large 500 foot hill on its southwestern corner on it called Iwo Jima was in the way – could notify Japan that bombers were coming – plus many damaged bombers needed the vital air strip on the island for emergency landings – so in Feb of 1945, USMC began its biggest, most-distinguished battle lasting 36 days in Hell before the island was completely secure – giving us two flag raisings on Mt. Suribachi – the 2nd becoming perhaps the most famous photograph in the entire world – â€Å"Semper Fi, Do or Die, Gung Ho! † Allies won Battle of Atlantic by – escorting convoys of merchants’ (and military) vessels (not using convoy system initially) [E x. Carrier other Task Forces], dropping depth charges from destroyers, bombing submarine (U-boat) bases (Ex. located in France), deploying new technology of RADAR At war’s end, U-boat crews are in a very deadly branch of voluntarily service still got volunteers up until the end – 4 out of 5 U-boaters die by late 1944 – Adm Downitz asked for more before war – didn’t get them, used convoy system w/ destroyer escorts – depth charges – RADAR (B-24s B-25s, other planes as sub hunters) – SONAR – Enigma code machine codes (read Japanese codes in Pacific too) – US subs sink lots of ships (especially in Pacific), But what about organizing â€Å"wolf packs† (which are German U-boats) to chase down German U-boats (submarines)? *** Battle of the Atlantic Most important battle in Western Europe! Until Spring 1943, perhaps Hitler’s greatest opportunities of defeating Britain winning the war was – the German U-boat would destroy Allied shipping (which it was faster than ships could be built early in war) Hitler’s advance in the European theater of war crested in late 1942 at the Battle of Stalingrad, after which, his fortunes gradually declined {* Leningrad, Kursk, Red Army, Counter-Offensives} pp. 841-842 Monte Cassino in Italy Allies postponed opening a second front in Europe until 1944 b/c – of British reluctance (b/c of the majority of troops would be supplied by them that early in the war) lack of adequate resources {* We’d have gotten our butts handed to us by the Germans – as indeed we did really until 1943 – we needed to learn how to fight – Stalin was angry we left his country to suffer while we lagged in opening a second front n France to relieve the USSR – cannot blame him entirely FDR’s promise to the Soviets to open a second front in Western Europe by end of 1942 – was utterly impossible to keep (just not ready for the undertaking really) * So USSR got pounded through most of 1942 before it went on the offensive in 1943 and until the end of the war really – meanwhile, the Allies invaded North Africa, then Sicily, then up the boot of Italy – before two major invasions of France in June Aug of 1944 Allied demand for unconditional surrender was criticized mainly by opponents who believed that such a surrender would – encourage the enemy to resist as long as possible (but USA also did this to show a ommitment to USSR as an Ally against Germany to avoid a separate peace as in WWI) FDR’s Churchill’s insistence on the absolute and â€Å"unconditional surrender† of Germany – eventually complicated the problems of postwar reconstruction Chronology: Casablanca, Morocco – Jan 1943 FDR Churchill meet – Pacific strategy, Sicily, Italy, unconditional surrender p. 842, (Cairo, Egypt before Teheran – w/FDR Churchill discuss Chiang Mao vs. Japanese in China), then Teheran, Iran (Persia at the time) – Nov 28th – Dec 1st, 1943 – plans for W E attacks on Germany p. 844 – FDR, Churchill, Stalin, Potsdam, Germany – July 1945 – Truman, Churchill, Stalin – Potsdam Declaration how to end war post-war plans p. 851 Chronology: Invasion of (Sicily and) Italy (1943), D-Day/Normandy invasion (June 6th, 1944), VE Day 5/8/45 [my mother turned 6 years old (my father turned 6 years old 10 days later) – she had two brothers in this war (others in Korea Vietnam) – one would come home from Europe w/2 Purple Hearts – served under Patton in N Africa was at the Bulge – his eye was hanging out of his head attached by the optic nerve – they saved his eye – but the war messed the young man up for the rest of his lif e mentally carrying the burdens of death – her other brother was in Pacific – he would not come home until Japan was beaten] – VJ Day 8/15/45 – Japan’s surrender was 8/14/45 – official surrender on deck of battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay was 9/2/45 – WWII was finally over after many deaths – military ivilian (WWII began in 1931-37 in Asia, Sept 1939 in Europe, Dec 1941 for USA in Pacific) Major consequence of Allied conquest of Sicily in Aug 1943 was – overthrow of Mussolini (first of two times) and (eventually) Italy’s surrender o Italians surrender quicker than the French – At least they claim to be â€Å"lovers not fighters† – but the Romans seriously put a foot in and/or up one’s booty in battle as a vicious warrior empire known for organization in fighting After Italian surrender in Aug 1943, Germans poured into Italy and stalled the Allied advance (really until the end of t he war in Northern Italy – also harsh to Italians for switching sides) Real impact of the Italian front on WWII may have been that it delayed the D-Day invasion allowed the Soviet Union to advance further into E Europe (â€Å"iron curtain†) Brutal fighting in Italy Ex pp. 841-842 Monte Cassino in Italy Audie Murphy was in Italy, France, Germany 442nd Nisei were in Italy, France, Germany US First Army – The Big Red One Tuskegee airmen (99th squadron of 332nd fighter group) Italians switched sides – Germans reinforced – bloody battles b/c of terrain – Ex. Anzio * I disagree w/this – Italy was a vital valuable front – perhaps managed poorly, but necessary At the wartime conference in Teheran, Iran (Persia) (11-28 thru 12-1-43) (FDR, Churchill, Stalin) – plans were made for opening a 2nd front in Europe p. 844 – was Sicily Italy before France – Stalin still not happy Cross Channel (English Channel) invasion of Normandy (in NW France) to open a 2nd front in Europe was commanded by Gen Dwight David Eisenhower (future president) [Ike] {West Point, Aide of MacArthur, Bonus Army, North Africa, Great political general – needed for this command to deal w/ the prima- onnas US Gen Patton and British Gen Montgomery (Monty) plus other issues – he was the right man for the job – although many disagreed about that at the time} ***** Normandy/D-Day June 6th, 1944 (operation Overlord) Breako ut 5 beaches Monty, Bradley, Patton diversion pointed at Calais, French Underground, Airborne/Gliders/Paratroopers, Rangers, Amphibious, Air Superiority, Mulberry Harbors, Strategy, Hedgerows, Engineers, Etc†¦ (Saving Private Ryan, The Longest Day) In a sense, FDR was the â€Å"forgotten man† at the Democratic Convention of 1944 b/c – so much attention was focused on who would be VP (Truman – Sen from MO political machine – failed in business – US Army rtillery Major in WWI ) (VP former Sec of Ag Henry Wallace pushed out) (FDR in poor health) ** FDR complained of a headache and then shortly thereafter died from cerebral hemorrhage sitting for a portrait in Warm Springs, GA (where his health spa for his rehab for polio was) on April 12th, 1945 – funeral train – some people had really only known FDR as president, now Truman was the great unknown trying to replace FDR – Eleanor said to Harry, â€Å"The president is dead. â €  Truman replied, â€Å"Is there anything I can do for you. † Mrs Roosevelt responded, â€Å"Oh no, is there anything that we can do for you, you’re the one who is in trouble now. † FDR won 1944 election primarily b/c war was going well by Nov 1944 (many thought it was all but officially won and over) Action by USA against Adolf Hitler’s campaign of genocide against the Jews – was reprehensively slow in coming – Did not admit large numbers of refugees to USA, nor bomb RR lines at death camps – USA did know – Gov’t knew for sure since 1942 when â€Å"final solution† was implemented – US gov’t knew before if they chose to believe it (plus Mein Kampf, Hitler’s book), not major reason at all really that USA fought WWII – like Civil War sort of in that abolition of slavery was a by-product that many Federal/Union soldiers did not realize they were fighting for at the beginning of the war , nor would many of them fought for that ideal anyway–my opinion–so you know it’s correct! ( Hitler’s last ditch attempt to achieve victory against the USA British (plus other Allies) came in – Battle of the Bulge (Dec 1944-Jan 1945) My uncle FL was there – got that nasty eye wound †¢ Hurtgen Forrest (When Trumpets Fade) before Bulge near Achaen in W Germany almost on Belgian border – brutal mine fields – slaughter – overshadowed by Bulge so largely forgotten †¢ Bulge – why it’s called the Battle of the Bulge – weather – secrecy – push through weak Ardennes – Malmady – Mr. High – casualties 76,000 US – worst battle in US history (Okinawa close, Gettysburg too) – Germans lost 140,000+ cold – no air cover for weeks – Bastogne – 101st Airborne (Band of Brothers) – 101st at Normandy, Market Garden, Bastogne, Hitlerâ €™s Eagle’s Nest – Patton 3rd Army – costly choice to push bulge back rather than pinch it (liposuction) – air cover returns – push to the Rhine – USSR pushing from the East – USSR in Berlin brutal As result of Battle of Leyte Gulf – Japan was finished a s a naval power (Philippines 1944 – largest naval battle ever – Halsey – Taffy 3 – Kamikazes – Yamato) [Philippines fell – 500 POWs rescued at Cabanatuan (The Great Raid) – hold outs in to 1970s] {Iwo Jima and Okinawa and Japanese home islands left to take to end Pacific war} ***** War of attrition in Pacific – to the death – rarely took prisoners on either side unless want information Potsdam Conference – issued an ultimatum to Japan to surrender of â€Å"face a rain of ruin from the air† †¢ It’s already facing a â€Å"rain of ruin from the air’ as did German cities! p. 851 Potsdam Conference (Truman told Stalin of massive weapon to use on Japan – Stalin not surprised (b/c he knew from spies already) – told Truman to use it promised to enter war in Pacific as he had agreed to earlier – entered war 8/8/4 5, day before 2nd A-bomb on Nagasaki that time, Hiroshima the first on 8/6/45) Total unconditional surrender or be destroyed – threat of more bombing – not specific as to use of an atomic bomb – more bombing – so what – already taking that! Spending of enormous sums of money on the original (to be used against Germany) atomic (nuclear) bomb project (Manhattan Project) was spurred by the belief that – the American public would not tolerate the (massive) casualties that would result from a land invasion of Japan (***** Much More Complex Than That! ***** Letter â€Å"c† in the answer choices – The Japanese were (still) at work (and more successful than Germans – who tried heavy water in Norway but suffered to sabotage attacks – one at the plant, the other sinking a ferry w/the heavy water on board – still at bottom of the lake in Norway) on an atomic bomb of their own (claim to have detonated one in Manchuria) ***** Japanese had lots of weapons ready for the Final Battle or invasion of Japan, which was planned ready to go – they also had chemical weapons from Shiro Ishi’s Unit 731 in Manchuria – chemical biological weapons – delivery systems – Ex. High altitude balloons, flea bombs, etc†¦- USA made post-war deal w/ the Devil! No war crimes trials for vivisections, experiments, infection of disease, anthrax, plague, etc†¦ The â€Å"unconditional surrender† policy toward Japan was finally modified by – agreeing to let Japan’s Emperor Hirohito stay on the throne (w/Democratic gov’t) * No war crimes trials for emperor – Tojo took the fall for emperor – no Shiro Ishi or members of Unit 731 unlike Nazis – let Japan have terms that Germany did not get – then USA – built up former enemies (W Germany Japan) into allies while former allies (USSRlt; etc†¦) became enemies – COLD WAR! The following were qualities of US participation in WWII: A group of highly effective military political leaders, an enormously effective effort in producing weapons supplies (usually more, later, better equipment than enemies – out produced the Axis), the preservation of the American homeland against invasion or destruction from air (small submarine skirmishes some off-shore shelling, some balloons w/explosives in 48 continental USA), the maintenance re-affirmation of strength of democracy, What about a higher % of military casualties than any other Allied nation (USA had least casualties of big ones – USSR suffered more casualties than any country on either side) p. 27 FDR as â€Å"all wise† for Germany first strategy over those who disagree – Pacific war always get ripped off p. 828 Allies Trade Space for Time * German ( Japanese) scientists – weapons – A-Bombs pp. 829-832 The Shock of War pp. 830-831 Japanese-Am Internment (Farewell to Manzanar) Issei, Nisei, Exec Order #9066 (100th/442nd ) pp. 832-833 Building the War Machine * strikes Ex Coal Miners – exploited, underpaid – share profits Kaiser shipbuilding pp. 833-834 Man power Woman power – Braceros (later deportations in â€Å"Operation Wetback†) – Rosie (Wendy) – day-cares p. 834 War migration map pp. 835-837 wartime migrations p. 835 Tuskegee Airmen photo p. 835 A Philip Randolph (Exec Order #8802) **** (Charles Drew – Af-Am did first successful blood transfusion – put in charge of Allied blood banks – he was forced to segregate blood too – his death outside a hospital after an accident – died waiting for a blood tranfusion b/c white hospital would not admit him) p. 835 Double V, CORE – 1942, NAACP membership increases p. 836 Comanche (Europe) Navajo (Pacific) â€Å"code talkers† pp. 836-837 Zoot Suit Riots in LA, CA 1943 Detroit, MI 1943 â€Å"Sudden rubbing against one another of unfamiliar peoples produced some di stressingly violent action. † pp. 837-838 Holding the Homefront p. 837 National Debt Chart pp. 838-839 The Rising Sun in the Pacific p. 838 Map of Luzon, Bataan, Corrigador (Philippines) p. 838 (Mao and ) Chiang Kai-shek resist Japanese w/Allied help p. 38 Flying â€Å"the Hump† in Himalayas (b/c of Burma Road – Merril’s Mauraders Gen Stillwell) p. 838 â€Å"ill-trained† Filipinos, MacArthur holds fast – delays Japanese – Bataan Death March (POW rescue) p. 839 Japan’s High Tide at Midway (plus Aleutians) pp. 839-841 American Leapfrogging Toward Tokyo (island-hopping leapfrogging like blitzkrieg Pacific style) * Book does opposite of Europe First strategy of Allies †¢ Guam (Saipan – suicides), Marianas â€Å"Turkey Shoot’ F6F Hellcat kill ratio †¢ 6-20-44 Battle of Philippine Sea – massive Japanese losses p. 840 Map of Pacific War p. 841 Churchill – â€Å"The Hun is always either at you throat or at your feet. † pp. 841-842 The Allied Halting of Hitler p. 41 Battle of the Atlantic – U-boats, destroyers, RADAR, SONAR, Enigma, New U-boats (not enough early in war – Downitz) – no sub can stay under indefinitely b/c food is limitation (U-571) pp. 842-843 A Second Front from North Africa to Rome p. 842 USSR lost ~20 million pp. 842-843 â€Å"unconditional surrender† debate results pp. 843-846 D-Day: June 6th, 194p. 845 Examining the Evidence – Teheran 1943 – Overlord Discussion (* Dieppe in France) p. 844 Ike chosen to command D-Day invasion – (feignt w/Patton at Calais – codes, underground, paratroopers, Rangers, 5 beaches, air power, Mulberry harbors, etc†¦) p. 846 D-Day (Agincourt 1415 – officer recited Shakespeare) in picture caption p. 846 Aug 1944 invasion of S France (A Murphy) pp. 846-847 FDR: Four Termite of 1944 p. 47 Focus on VP – Truman – on Sen Committee for Wasteful Sp ending – told to stop investigating Manhattan Project – he later learns it was Atomic Bombs p. 848 FDR defeats Dewey – FDR had Rep owned newspapers against him again p. 848 Quote from Congresswoman Clare Booth Luce – â€Å"He lied us into war because he did not have the political courage to lead us into it. † pp. 848-849 The Last Days of Hitler p. 849 Map of Battle of the Bulge * 76,000 casualties – worst US battle ever – so far * Okinawa Gettysburg were both very bad too Bulge mistakes p. 848 bombings pp. 848-849 (Remagen) Rhine River crossing into Germany p. 849 Holocaust – camps liberated – horrors known now for all (unit 731 in Manchuria) p. 849 FDR’s deathVE Day 5-8-45 pp. 49-851 Japan Dies Hard – US subs sinking Japanese ships – cutting off Japan’s vital lifeline sank 1. 042 ships ~50% of Japan’s merchant fleet p. 850 Bombings in Japan Ex. Tokyo 3/9-10/1945 ~83,000 KIA p. 850 Ley te Gulf, Iwo Jima, Pkinawa – short-changed as usual by textbooks that suck! Iwo Jima 6,000 KIA not 4,000 Okinawa 50,000 US casualties (KIA, WIA, MIA, POW) @ Okinawa, Japanese had ~200,000 military civilian casualties p. 851 2nd Flag Raising (Flags of Our Fathers, Letters from Iwo Jima, The Sands of Iwo Jima) p. 851 Kamikazes (Saipan Leyte, then Iwo Okinawa – worst of all – no Final Battle – would’ve been worst) †¢ They had lots stored up for the Final Battle pp. 851-853 Atomic Bombs p. 52 Hiroshima picture – post-bomb on 8-6-45 180,000 KIA, WIA, MIA 70,000 KIA instantly 60,000 died later from radiation, etc†¦ p. 852 USSR enters war in Pacific on 8-8-45 day before Nagasaki 8-9-45 KIA of 40,000 instantly, more later USSR invaded Manchuria North Korea (not a country split N S until 1950) 8-14-45 Japan surrendered 8-15-45 VJ Day official surrender on deck of battleship USS Missouri (Big Mo) on 9/2/45 w/MacArthur , etc†¦ pp. 853-854 The Allies Triumphant p. 853 US casualties ~ 1 million ~1/3rd KIA †¢ plasma, penicillin, (quanine for malaria), etc†¦. (medics, corpsman, doctors, nurses) USSR lost ~20 million plus more casualties 13. 6 million military killed plus 7. 2 million civilians killed plus up to 30 million more wounded and refugees p. 853 US attacked on W coast Ex balloons w/bombs, etc.. submarines on both coasts p. 853 â€Å"In the end, the US showed itself to be resourceful, tough, and adaptable to accommodate itself to the tactics of an enemy who was relentless and ruthless. † Kind of funny given US history – don’t you think? p. 854 VJ Day 8-15-45 image p. 854 production marvels – won war through production – more of everything – then eventually better more! Churchill – â€Å"Nothing succeeds like excess. † Herman Goering (Head of German air force/Luftwaffe – â€Å"Americans can’t build planes – only elect ric ice boxes and razor blades. † Goering also said that the P-51 Mustang (US fighter plane) won the war for the Allies p. 854 â€Å"But the American people preserved their precious liberties without serious impairment. † What would Zinn say? Is this a reference to loss of liberties during WWI – Espionage and Sedition Acts? What would â€Å"enemy aliens† and citizens interned during the war say? Ex. Italian German internment Japanese-American internment p. 854 Chronology p. 855 World War II: Triumph or Tragedy? Post-war scholarship was to avoid isolationist appeasement in Cold War Another paralleled 1930’s revisionist of post-WWI said US should have stayed out – made it worse Another thought FDR was naive isolationist Others thought FDR was a calculating interventionist Another focused on Atomic Bombs controversy – racism issue or timing b/c Germans were beaten already Gar Alperovitz said bomb was used to scare USSR hurry surrender MartinJ. Sherwin said we dropped A-bombs when ready to end was ASAP w/bonus of scaring USSR ***** Textbook ignores Rises to Power of Totalitarian leaders like Stalin (communist), Mussolini (fascist), Hitler (fascist), Japan’s militarist gov’t w/emporer Hirohito led by Tojo early in war – he took the fall It does not explain the role of the emperor in Japan’s gov’t Battle of Berlin – brutal pay back – refugees – rapes – POWs – Hitler’s death

Monday, October 14, 2019

Customer Attitudes Towards Search Engine Marketing

Customer Attitudes Towards Search Engine Marketing Abstract The present study approaches the empathizing of the UK users behaviour with respect to internet when considere in presence of SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and related activities, conceiving the present dynamic role of online and connected consumer who uses the internet and Web 2.0 tools like Social and Media Blogs. An online form survey, reaching up to 100 respondents actively using social network sites like â€Å"Face book†, analyzed the respondents social, demographic and general characteristics, their online behaviour, and their level of conflict with SEM activities. It also discovered the most democratic and the most often used internet tools. The review findings were mostly consistent with same kind of studies conducted in different regions of United Kingdom and Europe .the review of gathered data enabled to find relevant kinships between variables and equating answers through age, gender, and hours fagged on the internet. The results will give all internet marketers a d egree of perceptivity into their direct users, and will allow them to make strategies to provide for the targeted segments effectively. Also, this study will give a vital point of cite for future research related to internet marketing, which will be useful believing the current trends and development of particular marketing activity. The application using PHP and MySQL was designed to get the responses from respondents. Based on the responses collected from the sample of 68, the data was found and the conclusion has been done based on this data collection. The online questionnaire was uploaded on the web on the url From this URL, one can access the questionnaire and fill up personal details followed by the responses to different situations. Based on this response, the data was captured onto the database. This database (of MySQL) was helpful to fetch the details and behaviour of individuals towards different options available on the websites. Technical Plan This study is planned as following: Initially, an exploration of previous or existing research and the documented evidence found are placed in the literature review section (chapter 2). Following this is, an explanation of how the study was carried out, which includes research design, followed by sampling, data collection methods, the methods used   for analysis and limitations are discussed in (chapter 3). Furthermore, the answers to research interrogations are discussed in detail in chapter 4, with a systematic analysis of the survey results. The application was being designed using PHP and MySQL. The former was used as the programming language with the back end database support through MySQL. Their personal details followed by their responses to different options available on the web are analysed to have a study on their behaviour for different situations. Based on this approach, the important analysis was further explored. Lastly, the conclusion of our research is accomplished in chapter 5, where study findings are analyzed using the point of observation of their contact on additional academic or professional research, which may include practical testimonials, limitations of findings and other areas for further research. For the purpose of my experiment I had designed a small application which counts clicks on particular links. I developed it in PHP and used MySQL database. The address of the application was located on the link that was made available online at One can easy get an access to this link to fill out the details in an easy manner. This helped in getting responses in a thorough manner. Through this approach, all the data was collected. 100 respondents were approached at initial stages. However, due to lack of response rate, it was noted that there is the need to reduce the sample size. So, I asked 68 participants to do the experiment. Mainly I sent emails to friends. I also went to Universitys library and asked some people to do the experiment. Basically I gave the address to people and once they typed it in a browser. They had to chose gender, age range and how experienced internet users they are. Then there was a short description explaining what will happ en. Participants had to imagine that they are looking for a watch to buy and were given search results copied from google on a ‘buy watches phrase. They had to click on any link they liked. Then they had to imagine that they are looking for a new TV. Search results for ‘buy tv phrase were displayed and they had to click on any. Lastly they were given search results for ‘buy books and again they had to click somewhere. All the clicks were saved in a database. There were organic and sponsored links. I used some simple SQL queries on myPHPadmin panel to extract the numbers. Critical review Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or else Pay per Click (PPC) marketing and is usually known in literature as well and is one of three diverse types of online marketing. The remaining two are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Banner Advertising. Precisely what they are, and how they work and advantages and disadvantages of different techniques are talked over in detail later in this report. Surveys conducted by EIAA i.e. European Interactive Advertising Association show the performance of European internet users and other online buyers or shoppers. As per their Online survey (for which around 7,008 people all across the Europe including UK, France ,Germany, , Italy ,Spain, the Nordics, Netherlands   and the Belgium were interviewed) Out of the total,76% of online buyers use search engines as a source of information. This study also stated deviations between users of the UK in particular. Before investigating the topic more closely, it is significant to define the word of SEM. Though in writing this form of marketing is frequently addressed to pay per click (also occasionally written as pay-per-click) marketing (Anderson, C., 2006). First of all a few definitions of term, to constitute the literature and will be introduced. An accurate explanation will follow later. Pay per click (PPC) is placement of small ads on the search outcome on a page for a precise keyword or set of keywords in return for a individual payment when a guest actually clicks particular ad (Battelle, J. ,2005) Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: A technique of marketing where a company pays a certain sum of money each time somebody clicks on a small advertisement on a search engine‘s results page or a homepage and then takes to the advertiser‘s website (Brin, S. and Page, L., 1998). Pay-per-click (PPC): The payment form used for patronized search advertising. Advertisers set bid on keywords and pay in case when searchers click on the search results listing related with those keywords (Broder, A., 2002). Pay per click advertising used for search engines can be explained most easily by following: The placement of a small content only adverts on search result page which is activated by a particular keyword or phrase equaling typed in search box (Brooks, N., 2004a). Pay Per Click: A performance based model of paying for online ads whereby payments are made for each click on a displayed advert, if there are no clicks then there will be no fee and is also known as CPC i.e. cost per click and CPA is known as cost per action (Brooks, N. ,2004a). This essentially means that there exists text based advertisements and are displayed on search engines result page and are next to natural search listings. Such Text ads are fore grounded by the search engines with different names like sponsored links and are typically on right hand side of a result page, and is clearly distinguished from natural search results which are displayed on left. From time to time one or more than one of those advertisements are showed on top of list, over the organic search results, fore grounded through a different backdrop color. The advertising companies can then decide which key phrase or words searches performed by the search engine users and where their ad should appear (Fain, D.C. and Pedersen, J.O. ,2006).The main mechanism of a search engine marketing operation are defining of important keywords, and the bidding on keywords and a good quality written text ad through a good call to act. The advantage of such methods of advertising when compared to banner ads is to facilitate the advertiser as he has to pay only when someone in fact clicks on the advertisement, and not only for imitation, which a customer might not be able to see. Search engines can show up to 8 Text advertisements of sponsored links on one page. The order of what text advertisement is displayed and the position is defined by how much amount each advertiser is ready to pay for searched keyword. The framework of pay per click advertising is founded on a bidding system. One of the major advantages of pay per click method is that audience is already targeted, as the people are in fact looking for something connected to the product and what company is offering(Fallows, D., 2005) .While banner advertising on other hand shows the ads to customers who may not necessarily be interested in it. They may only be interested in website where banner ad is currently displayed and may not even look at banner ad or may ignore it since they are not interested in buying anything. In addition to this, the online marketer also has the option to target clients by country and even by area or city. This utility was published in 2004 by Google. As a result online marketing is available to nearby situated business for e.g. restaurants .Similarly international companies that want to put up for sale their products outside their region (Feng, J. ,2002). Google also takes the possibility to show the text ads not only on their search engine results pages but also on their websites, clearly displayed as ads by Google. This utility is called as content network. The online marketer has authority on websites where his text advertisements will be shown at, particularly concerning the content. Though it is very hard for online marketer to have a influence on any other fraction of campaign. In addition, the analysis of data is not very suitable, because all parameters cannot be displayed as online marketer would like them to (Feng, J., Bhargava,2007). A very significant topic while talking about pay per click ads is the differentiation among good traffic and bad traffic. This topic impacts mainly PPC-advertising, as the advertiser pay for every single click, while in banner advertising payment method used is pay per impression. The aim of a pay per click advertising operation is not only to make users click on advertisement and visit their advertised website, but also to attract people, who are interested in their product. While in banner advertising, advertiser needs to pay for every impression and no matter if site visitor sees the advertisement and clicks on it at PPC advertising, each click costs money. As a result of this, the text ad must not just try to draw as many clicks as feasible, but attract more clicks of people who are interested in product and are more probable to purchase the product. There are special methods to try to attain this goal, both on keyword related side and on the text ad side. In banner advertising, only method of getting improved converting traffic is to prefer the websites, where banner ad shall be displayed very cautiously. A danger of pay per click advertising, though, is the so called text box cecity. Internet users acquire the banner blindness following banner ads have been used on different websites frequently for number of years. The people mostly just do not realize banner ad any longer or don‘t show any interest in it at all. Banner ads are considered as a necessary evil so as to help lot of websites for offering free content. It is revered by many search engines that such a phenomenon may happen again with pay per click ads. Although the same may not happen in coming time soon, as the search engine users are really looking for something while using a search engine. They may not only read the subject of a site, and are looking for piece of information or stuff to buy or other things similar to that while using a search engine and looking at search engine results page. As a result it is very likely, that people will not actually acquire text box blindness (Greenspan, R., 2004). According to Andrew Goodman who have stated in his work in â€Å"Winning Results with Google AdWord† that international pay per click campaigns don‘t work that well. According to him the markets are too small for converting and running PPC campaigns are waste of money (Hotchkiss, G. ,2004).Another case to second his opinion is that effort for translating keywords and text advertisement in different languages is huge. On the other hand there exist products having huge consumer base. If the resources required to translate keywords and text ads are accessible, an attempt for getting international SEM movements may be a worth. This only makes sense, when a company actually sells products in relevant (Hansen, E., 2002). Buying key phrases in search engines entirely inspire the online advertising, as these infer the idea of Cost per Click -client of such type of advertising pays only when a visitor clicks on a precise advertisement (Carrera, 2009). Equating to SEO, PPC gives more control on visual aspect in search pages, due to amount bid and relevance of text ad (Chaffey et al., 2009). Alternatively of spending time controlling site codes and relevant contents, sellers can then pay for laying in search results (Sen, 2005). Carrera (2009) suggests that currently, main search engines have ad schemes related to hunts (Yahoo! Search Marketing, Google Adwords and Microsoft adCenter). When a particular visitor writes in search box, single or combination of   keywords, search page shows a set of sponsored links adopted by firms and organic search results, the ads are created by advertisers, with a upper limit of 25 characters in ad heading and 35 for text lines of ad and web address. As visible in Figure 2, advertisements are located in sponsored results region of searches -paid search (EConsultancy, 2008). Though, several sources point out many a time that consumers do not see difference among organic links and sponsored, clicking in links for query but with partial content (OConnor, 2009). In previous PPC programs, ranking of sponsored lists was founded on highest offer of cost per click for a particular keyword. But now, this is not essentially the case: search engines also need to pay attention towards relative click through rates of ads ads having fewer clicks will cut down the listing (Sullivan, 2007). This study is part of Quality Score, a idea shared by most of the search engines, and also analysis of match between keyword and occurrence of the keyword in text, historical click by rate, the engagement of searcher while clicking on ad, and also its loading speed and significance of the associated web page (Google, 2009). The main advantages of such an advertisement system is that it addresses the ads only to target that searched for those specific keywords, and the client only pays when users clicks on the ad. It also and allows the clients to change contents so as to the improve results, and plan the maximum amount of promotion investment and cost per click, and refine and control movements on a daily basis throughout search engine control panels (like Google Analytics). The advertisement stays online till the initial budget accomplishes the end (Google, 2009) and include the concept that PPC is very responsible, results are expected and are simpler to use in comparison to SEO, faster to get placed in search pages and branding effect. But it also has a negative side effect as well: it is highly spirited and exclusive costs per-click, scheming campaigns can be time downing, and many people will not trust ads (EConsultancy, 2008). Therefore, the dispute of this study is to study on how UK internet users differentiates between paid search results and organic search, and how often they click such paid results. 1 INTRODUCTION The topic of this explore, â€Å"Examination of UK Online Consumers sensing and Attitudes towards Marketing governed by Search Engine in context of Web 2.0† .Firstly, we need to understand what is Search Engine Marketing and is essential for contextualization of project. Carrera (2009) and Chaffey et al. (2009) have defined Search Engine Marketing as an action that affects promoting firms with the help of online search engines, to meet marketing targets by providing relevant content to users and search results, thus motivating to click on particular link. As for Search Engine Marketing Park and Kim (2008) have defined it as most measurable, strategic and governable way to build a dynamic and mutually good consumer to consumer and   also consumer to marketer communications about a certain service, product or company. It is acknowledged in field of marketing that the knowledge owned by customers, their prediction of relative conduct, and meeting expectations which is important and is key to success. As a result, internet marketers need to understand characteristics of users and internet habits of users in order to effectively find and reach target segments (Carrera, 2009; Chaffey et al., 2009). From position of consumer marketing, study of internet users and their decision making process should be based upon users characteristics and relative online behaviour. This study aims to critically find how UK online consumers comprehend and act in front of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and other activities, and main objectives are as follows: To realize impact of internet on existing modern day marketing. To look into the current circumstance of the Web 2.0 consumer, and its role on web To realize the modern day internet Consumers conduct towards marketing To look into key concepts related to Internet Marketing, poring specifically on SEM (Search Engine Marketing). To examine the ways UK consumers comprehend SEM activities, and evaluate mental attitude towards SEM activities. To suggest testimonials for further study or schemes in internet marketing context During the procedure of secondary search, there are several key questions ,   which forms the foundation of form elaboration: To what extent trust issues are a concern when analyzing activities for internet marketing and their effectiveness? How do consumer performs searches using search engine pages and what is considered more important during the search? Why internet users choose massively the organic results retrieved from a search engine page, instead of frequented links? What incites internet users in forward marketing emails to their friends and other users? How far consumers engage in company blogs and various social network pages? How do users interact with blogs and various social network pages? From a point of view of a user, web search engines require to provide applicable and useful results in reply to some user input, usually a query. Web search engines employ dozens of factors in knowing how to score significance and to rank the found results. Typically, the internet user has no thought what factors has lead to particular result being ranked and retrieved. One exception to this is sponsored links. Many web search engines currently give at least two types of search listings for web Search Engine Results Page (SERP). First type of links is non sponsored list, which web search engine show with the help of proprietary algorithms (Hotchkiss, G. ,2006). The other type of link is the sponsored list, which comes due to a bid on phrase that searcher has entered in his query. Most of the major web search engines available today present sponsored and non sponsored listings in different areas of SERP. For this one (and frequently only one Category), searchers are informed in broader terms how these result are retrieved. Why other results are not highlighted (for e.g., anchor text, page rank)? Certainly, the causal motivation is to highlight the economic motivation that caused the sponsored listing to come into view. Study shows that web searchers are biased against sponsored links (Hotchkiss, G., 2004). Though, assuming that web searchers wish relevant and helpful results in reply to their queries and sponsored links are as appropriate as against non sponsored results, are web search engines doing the web searchers a disservice by stressing the sponsored links so prominently? 1.1 The impact of the Internet on consumer marketing Analyzing the internet with regards to consumer marketing is important to understand .A simple question which arises is: What factors affect Internet consumer marketing? According to Chaffey et al. (2009) internet has enhanced marketing as first website made in 90s was ( (CERN, 2008), and now, there are more than one billion users using internet regularly and the manner companies sell products or services and way consumers react has changed emphatically. Peterson et al. (1999) honor this idea, debating that World Wide Web owned maximum potential for marketing. Drawing Success in business mostly depends upon technological knowledge and further gives competitive edge and remains continuous process. There are many authors who conceive that Internet play an important major impact on Marketing mix 4 Ps: in Product Mix, digital brought different services and products (e.g. software) and further added new features to already existing ones (Carrera, 2009). Avlonitis and Karayanni (2000) admit to the fact that internet helped the discovery of user needs, cut across and product testing; In Price Mix, Carrera (2009) expresses that there is significant reduction in costs is seen, which developed firms selling products or services at a very low price, with the use of web sites for e.g. a low-cost airlines. Nevertheless, the customization of services and products allows companies to appoint premium price, as they abide by with buyers tastes and is studied in detail by (Chaffey et al., 2009); For the Place, products and services like home banking has facilitated the interaction and reduced costs in comparison to other distribution channels. Besides, the ability to continue information related to clients is much more effective than traditional transfers, dealing the Promotion, with regards to digital context and advertising adapts directly to the needs of consumers, as it collects information related to these for e.g. detection   of IP address and profile of buyer for suggestions (Carrera, 2009). Furthermore, the promotion of a service /product is now also built by C2C basis, which is very difficult to control and there are different ways to manage (Mangold and Fauls, 2009), and will be analyzed later in project. All these elements have changed the manner consumers behave with companies, thus bringing a wider choice from all the different suppliers, and are a means to selecting and purchasing of items has turned out to be easier and faster. But for long customers are engaged and confident of this new way of marketing. 1.2 Web 2.0 A paper was published by Microsoft (2007), stating that web 2.0 is changing the internet into a powerful and authoritative medium, changing the way how society believes and behaves or reacts. The report confirms that especially social networking process is gathering people from different communities, and acting as a medium for personal reflection. This is consistent And is in accordance with Fu et al. (2007), and is said that use of collaborative technologies leads to an extraordinarily fast growing community which is virtual, here people pass by and share their information. These authors have agreed on the fact that World Wide Web is moving towards social web, and users have an important role in all the aspects of business and remains to be the main focus in this study. Consumers have embraced role of an important agent, who can express themselves using new tools, like wikis blogs or social networks (Carrera, 2009). In similar manner, Cheung and Lee (2009) contend that web has moved from being mere medium of information into a medium of content creation and further sharing. Chaffey et al. (2009) further gives arguments that the widespread acceptation of high speed broadband and world-wide media experiences are more and more used to absorb consumers with each other and also with companies. More and more people discuss online and interact with products and brand campaigns, in a manner of â€Å"viral effect†. These authors are in line with Carreras definition, which suggests that by addition of Web 2.0 it enhances in promoting interaction and user yielded content using virtual community and participation of social network, content ratings and widgets and tagging. However, it remains to be seen is how users are willing to absorb the internet marketing campaigns and further motivates user to share the latter. 1.3 Online Consumers behaviour towards e-Marketing Online users mostly dont have physical comfort provided by offline stores and a communication which is face to face. This concept is related to security problems and stories of fraud and internet commerce (Chaffey et al., 2009). As a result, consumers look for evidence of trust on a website, which may include brand familiarity or site appearance and quality of content, site may have official recognition and other recommendations given by users. Ha (2004) completes this discussion, by excusing that consumers have grown more internet savvy, they now insist on interacting with firms they trust. Various other trust factors are also added like privacy (risk of giving personal information), security related with payment risks, navigation like fulfilling access to various kind of information and related to order fulfillment (Bart et al., 2005; Ha, 2004). However, there are consumers who buy only on company websites: but also have other online sources, is important to purchase choice. Following the research conducted by AOL UK (2006), about 77% of all the respondents accord that if they read a negative review about a product on internet related, it would make them think about their purchase, 42% assumed that they had to switch and move towards a different brand. One of the most important sources for online information is the search engines, which is followed closely by websites of famous brands, price comparison websites and reviews/opinions available on internet, are written by experts, customer reviews on websites. One of the important factors is that these online sources for information reduce time spent in comparing product quality which is to be done before purchase, this is a common aspect related to offline context (Huang et al., 2009). As a result, it is important to carry on here   that the trust factors has an important role related to consumers perceptions towards online marketing, also consumers need to reach for different sources related to information of products they want to buy. 1.4 Attitudes of Online Consumers Towards e-Marketing Breitenbach and Van Doren (1998) studied five distinguished kind of internet users, which are accorded by different academics to continue valid currently (Chaffey et al., 2009): organized information seekers: Those who want to get information for product or leisure, services information, that generally are not brought online Unorganized information seekers: They are referred as â€Å"surfers†, and such users want to browse and change web sites using links, looks for interesting or different things and are   more expected to click on ads or banner Organized buyers: Such users are usually get online to purchase something specific. Websites which compare various products have an important role in this case. Bargain hunters: Users who want to get offers and promotions, so as to vindicate their investment in shopping. Entertainment seekers Such users look for complete online entertainment in various contests like puzzles ,quizzes, or games for multi-player, and lik to interact with various animated features available on web site Recently, a study from EConsultancy (2004) found a similar classification for online consumer behaviour, stating it does not involve behaviours which are applied to various people on the basis of product or occasion; different individuals may react or behave differently. The report found the â€Å"Tracker† and the â€Å"Explorer† concept. But it needs to be explored in detail, and is the kind of consumer who dont have any buying intention, and is exposed to internet marketing action (like Search Engine Marketing), which may result in a conversion. 1.5 Attitudes towards search engines To conduct product or service explores, consumers mostly use search engines. These are powerful consumer tools which retrieve relevant information related to products or services. Consumers can perform quick searches which are online by simply issuing queries built up of search products or services (Kumar and Lang, 2007). However, it is very important to note that not all consumers are searching for particular products; consumers mainly want to know for information on search engines. In reality, as Smith (2009) states, Yahoo and Googles (worlds most used search engine) objective is to retrieve relevant information related to the words queried. More so, information websites forever rank higher in comparison to profit-driven sites, continuing here an important dispute for Search Engine Marketing. To understand this consumer search engine conduct, iProspect a Search marketing company in (2006) carried out a research on the way consumers use search engines. The major findings were that 62% of users only look only at first page of results and ignore the rest. Aula and Rodden (2009) accomplished this finding, by demonstrating that users assess search results very quickly and most of the times make unconscious decisions, centering mainly on first two results for a particular search as shown in (Figure 1). iProspect also expresses that when consumers do not get what they were looking for, about 41% change their search term and 82% complicate their search with other complementary words. As for prestige, it was ascertained that about 36% consider that the firms enrolled at the top of search are best brands in market. The final feeling was that comparing with sponsored area, which is between 60% and 80% and click on natural or organic listings of search page. It remains to be searched why users mostly like organic links, and reasons behind not flicking on sponsored links. 1.6 Attitudes towards Emails Following a analysis by Habeas (2008), irrespective of email and other internet threat concerns, users are still and will continue to be dependent on email, irrespective of their relationships with business organization or from each one other through web 2.0 applications. The study   has revealed that nearly 69% of total users expressed concern related to email fraud scams, and many of them do not know how can they distinguish between possibly dangerous and emails that are trustable. It also showed that majority prefer firms that offer choices and content of emails. Mintel (2008) added up users that trust emails which come from similar companies who provide relevant information with least effort. In a seminar conducted by dotMailer (2009), it was mentioned that even though the current circumstance of web 2.0 era in which consumers have the power, still email is gateway to consumers. Users today have digital lives where every single user owns an email account (or may be more t Customer Attitudes Towards Search Engine Marketing Customer Attitudes Towards Search Engine Marketing Abstract The present study approaches the empathizing of the UK users behaviour with respect to internet when considere in presence of SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and related activities, conceiving the present dynamic role of online and connected consumer who uses the internet and Web 2.0 tools like Social and Media Blogs. An online form survey, reaching up to 100 respondents actively using social network sites like â€Å"Face book†, analyzed the respondents social, demographic and general characteristics, their online behaviour, and their level of conflict with SEM activities. It also discovered the most democratic and the most often used internet tools. The review findings were mostly consistent with same kind of studies conducted in different regions of United Kingdom and Europe .the review of gathered data enabled to find relevant kinships between variables and equating answers through age, gender, and hours fagged on the internet. The results will give all internet marketers a d egree of perceptivity into their direct users, and will allow them to make strategies to provide for the targeted segments effectively. Also, this study will give a vital point of cite for future research related to internet marketing, which will be useful believing the current trends and development of particular marketing activity. The application using PHP and MySQL was designed to get the responses from respondents. Based on the responses collected from the sample of 68, the data was found and the conclusion has been done based on this data collection. The online questionnaire was uploaded on the web on the url From this URL, one can access the questionnaire and fill up personal details followed by the responses to different situations. Based on this response, the data was captured onto the database. This database (of MySQL) was helpful to fetch the details and behaviour of individuals towards different options available on the websites. Technical Plan This study is planned as following: Initially, an exploration of previous or existing research and the documented evidence found are placed in the literature review section (chapter 2). Following this is, an explanation of how the study was carried out, which includes research design, followed by sampling, data collection methods, the methods used   for analysis and limitations are discussed in (chapter 3). Furthermore, the answers to research interrogations are discussed in detail in chapter 4, with a systematic analysis of the survey results. The application was being designed using PHP and MySQL. The former was used as the programming language with the back end database support through MySQL. Their personal details followed by their responses to different options available on the web are analysed to have a study on their behaviour for different situations. Based on this approach, the important analysis was further explored. Lastly, the conclusion of our research is accomplished in chapter 5, where study findings are analyzed using the point of observation of their contact on additional academic or professional research, which may include practical testimonials, limitations of findings and other areas for further research. For the purpose of my experiment I had designed a small application which counts clicks on particular links. I developed it in PHP and used MySQL database. The address of the application was located on the link that was made available online at One can easy get an access to this link to fill out the details in an easy manner. This helped in getting responses in a thorough manner. Through this approach, all the data was collected. 100 respondents were approached at initial stages. However, due to lack of response rate, it was noted that there is the need to reduce the sample size. So, I asked 68 participants to do the experiment. Mainly I sent emails to friends. I also went to Universitys library and asked some people to do the experiment. Basically I gave the address to people and once they typed it in a browser. They had to chose gender, age range and how experienced internet users they are. Then there was a short description explaining what will happ en. Participants had to imagine that they are looking for a watch to buy and were given search results copied from google on a ‘buy watches phrase. They had to click on any link they liked. Then they had to imagine that they are looking for a new TV. Search results for ‘buy tv phrase were displayed and they had to click on any. Lastly they were given search results for ‘buy books and again they had to click somewhere. All the clicks were saved in a database. There were organic and sponsored links. I used some simple SQL queries on myPHPadmin panel to extract the numbers. Critical review Search Engine Marketing (SEM) or else Pay per Click (PPC) marketing and is usually known in literature as well and is one of three diverse types of online marketing. The remaining two are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Banner Advertising. Precisely what they are, and how they work and advantages and disadvantages of different techniques are talked over in detail later in this report. Surveys conducted by EIAA i.e. European Interactive Advertising Association show the performance of European internet users and other online buyers or shoppers. As per their Online survey (for which around 7,008 people all across the Europe including UK, France ,Germany, , Italy ,Spain, the Nordics, Netherlands   and the Belgium were interviewed) Out of the total,76% of online buyers use search engines as a source of information. This study also stated deviations between users of the UK in particular. Before investigating the topic more closely, it is significant to define the word of SEM. Though in writing this form of marketing is frequently addressed to pay per click (also occasionally written as pay-per-click) marketing (Anderson, C., 2006). First of all a few definitions of term, to constitute the literature and will be introduced. An accurate explanation will follow later. Pay per click (PPC) is placement of small ads on the search outcome on a page for a precise keyword or set of keywords in return for a individual payment when a guest actually clicks particular ad (Battelle, J. ,2005) Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: A technique of marketing where a company pays a certain sum of money each time somebody clicks on a small advertisement on a search engine‘s results page or a homepage and then takes to the advertiser‘s website (Brin, S. and Page, L., 1998). Pay-per-click (PPC): The payment form used for patronized search advertising. Advertisers set bid on keywords and pay in case when searchers click on the search results listing related with those keywords (Broder, A., 2002). Pay per click advertising used for search engines can be explained most easily by following: The placement of a small content only adverts on search result page which is activated by a particular keyword or phrase equaling typed in search box (Brooks, N., 2004a). Pay Per Click: A performance based model of paying for online ads whereby payments are made for each click on a displayed advert, if there are no clicks then there will be no fee and is also known as CPC i.e. cost per click and CPA is known as cost per action (Brooks, N. ,2004a). This essentially means that there exists text based advertisements and are displayed on search engines result page and are next to natural search listings. Such Text ads are fore grounded by the search engines with different names like sponsored links and are typically on right hand side of a result page, and is clearly distinguished from natural search results which are displayed on left. From time to time one or more than one of those advertisements are showed on top of list, over the organic search results, fore grounded through a different backdrop color. The advertising companies can then decide which key phrase or words searches performed by the search engine users and where their ad should appear (Fain, D.C. and Pedersen, J.O. ,2006).The main mechanism of a search engine marketing operation are defining of important keywords, and the bidding on keywords and a good quality written text ad through a good call to act. The advantage of such methods of advertising when compared to banner ads is to facilitate the advertiser as he has to pay only when someone in fact clicks on the advertisement, and not only for imitation, which a customer might not be able to see. Search engines can show up to 8 Text advertisements of sponsored links on one page. The order of what text advertisement is displayed and the position is defined by how much amount each advertiser is ready to pay for searched keyword. The framework of pay per click advertising is founded on a bidding system. One of the major advantages of pay per click method is that audience is already targeted, as the people are in fact looking for something connected to the product and what company is offering(Fallows, D., 2005) .While banner advertising on other hand shows the ads to customers who may not necessarily be interested in it. They may only be interested in website where banner ad is currently displayed and may not even look at banner ad or may ignore it since they are not interested in buying anything. In addition to this, the online marketer also has the option to target clients by country and even by area or city. This utility was published in 2004 by Google. As a result online marketing is available to nearby situated business for e.g. restaurants .Similarly international companies that want to put up for sale their products outside their region (Feng, J. ,2002). Google also takes the possibility to show the text ads not only on their search engine results pages but also on their websites, clearly displayed as ads by Google. This utility is called as content network. The online marketer has authority on websites where his text advertisements will be shown at, particularly concerning the content. Though it is very hard for online marketer to have a influence on any other fraction of campaign. In addition, the analysis of data is not very suitable, because all parameters cannot be displayed as online marketer would like them to (Feng, J., Bhargava,2007). A very significant topic while talking about pay per click ads is the differentiation among good traffic and bad traffic. This topic impacts mainly PPC-advertising, as the advertiser pay for every single click, while in banner advertising payment method used is pay per impression. The aim of a pay per click advertising operation is not only to make users click on advertisement and visit their advertised website, but also to attract people, who are interested in their product. While in banner advertising, advertiser needs to pay for every impression and no matter if site visitor sees the advertisement and clicks on it at PPC advertising, each click costs money. As a result of this, the text ad must not just try to draw as many clicks as feasible, but attract more clicks of people who are interested in product and are more probable to purchase the product. There are special methods to try to attain this goal, both on keyword related side and on the text ad side. In banner advertising, only method of getting improved converting traffic is to prefer the websites, where banner ad shall be displayed very cautiously. A danger of pay per click advertising, though, is the so called text box cecity. Internet users acquire the banner blindness following banner ads have been used on different websites frequently for number of years. The people mostly just do not realize banner ad any longer or don‘t show any interest in it at all. Banner ads are considered as a necessary evil so as to help lot of websites for offering free content. It is revered by many search engines that such a phenomenon may happen again with pay per click ads. Although the same may not happen in coming time soon, as the search engine users are really looking for something while using a search engine. They may not only read the subject of a site, and are looking for piece of information or stuff to buy or other things similar to that while using a search engine and looking at search engine results page. As a result it is very likely, that people will not actually acquire text box blindness (Greenspan, R., 2004). According to Andrew Goodman who have stated in his work in â€Å"Winning Results with Google AdWord† that international pay per click campaigns don‘t work that well. According to him the markets are too small for converting and running PPC campaigns are waste of money (Hotchkiss, G. ,2004).Another case to second his opinion is that effort for translating keywords and text advertisement in different languages is huge. On the other hand there exist products having huge consumer base. If the resources required to translate keywords and text ads are accessible, an attempt for getting international SEM movements may be a worth. This only makes sense, when a company actually sells products in relevant (Hansen, E., 2002). Buying key phrases in search engines entirely inspire the online advertising, as these infer the idea of Cost per Click -client of such type of advertising pays only when a visitor clicks on a precise advertisement (Carrera, 2009). Equating to SEO, PPC gives more control on visual aspect in search pages, due to amount bid and relevance of text ad (Chaffey et al., 2009). Alternatively of spending time controlling site codes and relevant contents, sellers can then pay for laying in search results (Sen, 2005). Carrera (2009) suggests that currently, main search engines have ad schemes related to hunts (Yahoo! Search Marketing, Google Adwords and Microsoft adCenter). When a particular visitor writes in search box, single or combination of   keywords, search page shows a set of sponsored links adopted by firms and organic search results, the ads are created by advertisers, with a upper limit of 25 characters in ad heading and 35 for text lines of ad and web address. As visible in Figure 2, advertisements are located in sponsored results region of searches -paid search (EConsultancy, 2008). Though, several sources point out many a time that consumers do not see difference among organic links and sponsored, clicking in links for query but with partial content (OConnor, 2009). In previous PPC programs, ranking of sponsored lists was founded on highest offer of cost per click for a particular keyword. But now, this is not essentially the case: search engines also need to pay attention towards relative click through rates of ads ads having fewer clicks will cut down the listing (Sullivan, 2007). This study is part of Quality Score, a idea shared by most of the search engines, and also analysis of match between keyword and occurrence of the keyword in text, historical click by rate, the engagement of searcher while clicking on ad, and also its loading speed and significance of the associated web page (Google, 2009). The main advantages of such an advertisement system is that it addresses the ads only to target that searched for those specific keywords, and the client only pays when users clicks on the ad. It also and allows the clients to change contents so as to the improve results, and plan the maximum amount of promotion investment and cost per click, and refine and control movements on a daily basis throughout search engine control panels (like Google Analytics). The advertisement stays online till the initial budget accomplishes the end (Google, 2009) and include the concept that PPC is very responsible, results are expected and are simpler to use in comparison to SEO, faster to get placed in search pages and branding effect. But it also has a negative side effect as well: it is highly spirited and exclusive costs per-click, scheming campaigns can be time downing, and many people will not trust ads (EConsultancy, 2008). Therefore, the dispute of this study is to study on how UK internet users differentiates between paid search results and organic search, and how often they click such paid results. 1 INTRODUCTION The topic of this explore, â€Å"Examination of UK Online Consumers sensing and Attitudes towards Marketing governed by Search Engine in context of Web 2.0† .Firstly, we need to understand what is Search Engine Marketing and is essential for contextualization of project. Carrera (2009) and Chaffey et al. (2009) have defined Search Engine Marketing as an action that affects promoting firms with the help of online search engines, to meet marketing targets by providing relevant content to users and search results, thus motivating to click on particular link. As for Search Engine Marketing Park and Kim (2008) have defined it as most measurable, strategic and governable way to build a dynamic and mutually good consumer to consumer and   also consumer to marketer communications about a certain service, product or company. It is acknowledged in field of marketing that the knowledge owned by customers, their prediction of relative conduct, and meeting expectations which is important and is key to success. As a result, internet marketers need to understand characteristics of users and internet habits of users in order to effectively find and reach target segments (Carrera, 2009; Chaffey et al., 2009). From position of consumer marketing, study of internet users and their decision making process should be based upon users characteristics and relative online behaviour. This study aims to critically find how UK online consumers comprehend and act in front of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and other activities, and main objectives are as follows: To realize impact of internet on existing modern day marketing. To look into the current circumstance of the Web 2.0 consumer, and its role on web To realize the modern day internet Consumers conduct towards marketing To look into key concepts related to Internet Marketing, poring specifically on SEM (Search Engine Marketing). To examine the ways UK consumers comprehend SEM activities, and evaluate mental attitude towards SEM activities. To suggest testimonials for further study or schemes in internet marketing context During the procedure of secondary search, there are several key questions ,   which forms the foundation of form elaboration: To what extent trust issues are a concern when analyzing activities for internet marketing and their effectiveness? How do consumer performs searches using search engine pages and what is considered more important during the search? Why internet users choose massively the organic results retrieved from a search engine page, instead of frequented links? What incites internet users in forward marketing emails to their friends and other users? How far consumers engage in company blogs and various social network pages? How do users interact with blogs and various social network pages? From a point of view of a user, web search engines require to provide applicable and useful results in reply to some user input, usually a query. Web search engines employ dozens of factors in knowing how to score significance and to rank the found results. Typically, the internet user has no thought what factors has lead to particular result being ranked and retrieved. One exception to this is sponsored links. Many web search engines currently give at least two types of search listings for web Search Engine Results Page (SERP). First type of links is non sponsored list, which web search engine show with the help of proprietary algorithms (Hotchkiss, G. ,2006). The other type of link is the sponsored list, which comes due to a bid on phrase that searcher has entered in his query. Most of the major web search engines available today present sponsored and non sponsored listings in different areas of SERP. For this one (and frequently only one Category), searchers are informed in broader terms how these result are retrieved. Why other results are not highlighted (for e.g., anchor text, page rank)? Certainly, the causal motivation is to highlight the economic motivation that caused the sponsored listing to come into view. Study shows that web searchers are biased against sponsored links (Hotchkiss, G., 2004). Though, assuming that web searchers wish relevant and helpful results in reply to their queries and sponsored links are as appropriate as against non sponsored results, are web search engines doing the web searchers a disservice by stressing the sponsored links so prominently? 1.1 The impact of the Internet on consumer marketing Analyzing the internet with regards to consumer marketing is important to understand .A simple question which arises is: What factors affect Internet consumer marketing? According to Chaffey et al. (2009) internet has enhanced marketing as first website made in 90s was ( (CERN, 2008), and now, there are more than one billion users using internet regularly and the manner companies sell products or services and way consumers react has changed emphatically. Peterson et al. (1999) honor this idea, debating that World Wide Web owned maximum potential for marketing. Drawing Success in business mostly depends upon technological knowledge and further gives competitive edge and remains continuous process. There are many authors who conceive that Internet play an important major impact on Marketing mix 4 Ps: in Product Mix, digital brought different services and products (e.g. software) and further added new features to already existing ones (Carrera, 2009). Avlonitis and Karayanni (2000) admit to the fact that internet helped the discovery of user needs, cut across and product testing; In Price Mix, Carrera (2009) expresses that there is significant reduction in costs is seen, which developed firms selling products or services at a very low price, with the use of web sites for e.g. a low-cost airlines. Nevertheless, the customization of services and products allows companies to appoint premium price, as they abide by with buyers tastes and is studied in detail by (Chaffey et al., 2009); For the Place, products and services like home banking has facilitated the interaction and reduced costs in comparison to other distribution channels. Besides, the ability to continue information related to clients is much more effective than traditional transfers, dealing the Promotion, with regards to digital context and advertising adapts directly to the needs of consumers, as it collects information related to these for e.g. detection   of IP address and profile of buyer for suggestions (Carrera, 2009). Furthermore, the promotion of a service /product is now also built by C2C basis, which is very difficult to control and there are different ways to manage (Mangold and Fauls, 2009), and will be analyzed later in project. All these elements have changed the manner consumers behave with companies, thus bringing a wider choice from all the different suppliers, and are a means to selecting and purchasing of items has turned out to be easier and faster. But for long customers are engaged and confident of this new way of marketing. 1.2 Web 2.0 A paper was published by Microsoft (2007), stating that web 2.0 is changing the internet into a powerful and authoritative medium, changing the way how society believes and behaves or reacts. The report confirms that especially social networking process is gathering people from different communities, and acting as a medium for personal reflection. This is consistent And is in accordance with Fu et al. (2007), and is said that use of collaborative technologies leads to an extraordinarily fast growing community which is virtual, here people pass by and share their information. These authors have agreed on the fact that World Wide Web is moving towards social web, and users have an important role in all the aspects of business and remains to be the main focus in this study. Consumers have embraced role of an important agent, who can express themselves using new tools, like wikis blogs or social networks (Carrera, 2009). In similar manner, Cheung and Lee (2009) contend that web has moved from being mere medium of information into a medium of content creation and further sharing. Chaffey et al. (2009) further gives arguments that the widespread acceptation of high speed broadband and world-wide media experiences are more and more used to absorb consumers with each other and also with companies. More and more people discuss online and interact with products and brand campaigns, in a manner of â€Å"viral effect†. These authors are in line with Carreras definition, which suggests that by addition of Web 2.0 it enhances in promoting interaction and user yielded content using virtual community and participation of social network, content ratings and widgets and tagging. However, it remains to be seen is how users are willing to absorb the internet marketing campaigns and further motivates user to share the latter. 1.3 Online Consumers behaviour towards e-Marketing Online users mostly dont have physical comfort provided by offline stores and a communication which is face to face. This concept is related to security problems and stories of fraud and internet commerce (Chaffey et al., 2009). As a result, consumers look for evidence of trust on a website, which may include brand familiarity or site appearance and quality of content, site may have official recognition and other recommendations given by users. Ha (2004) completes this discussion, by excusing that consumers have grown more internet savvy, they now insist on interacting with firms they trust. Various other trust factors are also added like privacy (risk of giving personal information), security related with payment risks, navigation like fulfilling access to various kind of information and related to order fulfillment (Bart et al., 2005; Ha, 2004). However, there are consumers who buy only on company websites: but also have other online sources, is important to purchase choice. Following the research conducted by AOL UK (2006), about 77% of all the respondents accord that if they read a negative review about a product on internet related, it would make them think about their purchase, 42% assumed that they had to switch and move towards a different brand. One of the most important sources for online information is the search engines, which is followed closely by websites of famous brands, price comparison websites and reviews/opinions available on internet, are written by experts, customer reviews on websites. One of the important factors is that these online sources for information reduce time spent in comparing product quality which is to be done before purchase, this is a common aspect related to offline context (Huang et al., 2009). As a result, it is important to carry on here   that the trust factors has an important role related to consumers perceptions towards online marketing, also consumers need to reach for different sources related to information of products they want to buy. 1.4 Attitudes of Online Consumers Towards e-Marketing Breitenbach and Van Doren (1998) studied five distinguished kind of internet users, which are accorded by different academics to continue valid currently (Chaffey et al., 2009): organized information seekers: Those who want to get information for product or leisure, services information, that generally are not brought online Unorganized information seekers: They are referred as â€Å"surfers†, and such users want to browse and change web sites using links, looks for interesting or different things and are   more expected to click on ads or banner Organized buyers: Such users are usually get online to purchase something specific. Websites which compare various products have an important role in this case. Bargain hunters: Users who want to get offers and promotions, so as to vindicate their investment in shopping. Entertainment seekers Such users look for complete online entertainment in various contests like puzzles ,quizzes, or games for multi-player, and lik to interact with various animated features available on web site Recently, a study from EConsultancy (2004) found a similar classification for online consumer behaviour, stating it does not involve behaviours which are applied to various people on the basis of product or occasion; different individuals may react or behave differently. The report found the â€Å"Tracker† and the â€Å"Explorer† concept. But it needs to be explored in detail, and is the kind of consumer who dont have any buying intention, and is exposed to internet marketing action (like Search Engine Marketing), which may result in a conversion. 1.5 Attitudes towards search engines To conduct product or service explores, consumers mostly use search engines. These are powerful consumer tools which retrieve relevant information related to products or services. Consumers can perform quick searches which are online by simply issuing queries built up of search products or services (Kumar and Lang, 2007). However, it is very important to note that not all consumers are searching for particular products; consumers mainly want to know for information on search engines. In reality, as Smith (2009) states, Yahoo and Googles (worlds most used search engine) objective is to retrieve relevant information related to the words queried. More so, information websites forever rank higher in comparison to profit-driven sites, continuing here an important dispute for Search Engine Marketing. To understand this consumer search engine conduct, iProspect a Search marketing company in (2006) carried out a research on the way consumers use search engines. The major findings were that 62% of users only look only at first page of results and ignore the rest. Aula and Rodden (2009) accomplished this finding, by demonstrating that users assess search results very quickly and most of the times make unconscious decisions, centering mainly on first two results for a particular search as shown in (Figure 1). iProspect also expresses that when consumers do not get what they were looking for, about 41% change their search term and 82% complicate their search with other complementary words. As for prestige, it was ascertained that about 36% consider that the firms enrolled at the top of search are best brands in market. The final feeling was that comparing with sponsored area, which is between 60% and 80% and click on natural or organic listings of search page. It remains to be searched why users mostly like organic links, and reasons behind not flicking on sponsored links. 1.6 Attitudes towards Emails Following a analysis by Habeas (2008), irrespective of email and other internet threat concerns, users are still and will continue to be dependent on email, irrespective of their relationships with business organization or from each one other through web 2.0 applications. The study   has revealed that nearly 69% of total users expressed concern related to email fraud scams, and many of them do not know how can they distinguish between possibly dangerous and emails that are trustable. It also showed that majority prefer firms that offer choices and content of emails. Mintel (2008) added up users that trust emails which come from similar companies who provide relevant information with least effort. In a seminar conducted by dotMailer (2009), it was mentioned that even though the current circumstance of web 2.0 era in which consumers have the power, still email is gateway to consumers. Users today have digital lives where every single user owns an email account (or may be more t